
  • @kovshenin Never got my 2011 shirt from last year’s livestream. So THATs what they look like. 🙂 #wcsf

  • #wcsf was truly a circus of knowledge with @photomatt acting as the ringleader. Kudos to everyone at @WordCampSF for a great event.

  • It’s the new Rat Pack. RT @boone: BuddyPress buddies: @djpaul @apeatling @jjj @boone #wcsf blo.so/j7

  • #wcsf livestream was fun. Now spending some time with the family.

  • Closing out #wcsf with @photomatt yfrog.com/od77985189p

  • Should be interesting to see if Dreamhost is a top sponsor again at next year’s #wcsf.

  • “This was an experimental WordCamp. We tried different things, different POST TYPES…” @photomatt #wcsf

  • I loved @scottkclark presentation. Only wish the #wcsf sessions were a little longer so he could catch a breath. 🙂

  • P2 Resolved Posts plugin mentioned: bit.ly/Mcc4JH #wcsf

  • Love the P2 WordPress theme. This is a nice plugin for it: Like/Unlike bit.ly/McbYC3 #wcsf

  • Types plugin mentioned by @scottkclark bit.ly/McbADn #wcsf

  • Advanced Custom Fields plugin mentioned by @scottkclark bit.ly/mhwkUz #wcsf

  • Tabify Edit Screen plugin mentioned by @scottkclark bit.ly/HIrMIT #wcsf

  • WordPress 3.5 is going to be so impressive with media “it’s going to slap your mamma.” @scottkclark #wcsf

  • General purpose content types: posts, pages, media, menus. #wcsf @scottkclark

  • Final talk of #wcsf. @scottkclark is talking about – what else – content types. yfrog.com/gzhxmiap #wcsf

  • Cough. Free copy of SlideDeck 2 goes to those on the livestream too, right guys? Cough. @dtelepathy #wcsf

  • Congrats to @dtelepathy and the Hello Bar team, who announced that their project was aquired by @crazyegg #wcsf

  • Hello Bar was created in less than 30 days with WordPress. Link: bit.ly/Mc9Mui #wcsf @dtelepathy

  • As things close down, let’s thank @WordCampSF for the #wcsf livestream today. Slow clap. yfrog.com/g0y1uwhmj

  • Listening to @dtelepathy talk about Hello Bar. yfrog.com/h7rkihp #wcsf

  • I feel like #wcsf has been a marathon and now we’re down to the final mile. Finishing line up ahead.

  • Was that a Tim and Eric shot on @photomatt iPad that i just spotted? #wcsf

  • New #wpidea, create a site that sells plaid shirts at next #wcsf.

  • “We know restaurants don’t have the money (to pay for website development). That’s why we don’t charge them anymore.” #wcsf

  • RT @williamsba: Cool presentation on lessons learned from @happytables by @noeltock. Every restaurant website should be on WordPress #wcsf

  • Why did i have to get pink? yfrog.com/odgktbp #wcsf #wpidea

  • If you’ve complained about crappy flash on restaurant sites, then you need to pat @happytables on the back. #wcsf

  • Wow. @happytables customizer kicks butt, built for people who don’t know WordPress. #wcsf yfrog.com/kfg9xp

  • Within the first 2 minutes of a client working on @happytables, they must feel productive and comfortable.” @noeltock #wcsf