
  • It’s the #wcs14 Breakfast Club. #wcsf @andrea_r @mor10 @brennenbyrne @SiobhanPMcKeown

  • BREAKING NEWS: @mor10 wins best speaker hair. #wcsf14 #wcsf

  • .@mor10 explaining the CSS Box Model. Good link for more info: css-tricks.com/the-css-box-mo… #wcsf14 #wcsf

  • Thinking outside the box. Here’s the box. @mor10 #wcsf14 #wcsf

  • “Automatic updates are one of the biggest security enhancements in WordPress in years.” @brennenbyrne #wcsf14 #wcsf

  • “Instead of the LOOK of a new potential WordPress theme, pay attention to the FUNCTIONALITY of a theme.” @andrea_r #wcsf #wcsf14

  • .@andrea_r is simply rocking it with her lightning talk on how to pick a WordPress theme. #wcsf #wcsf

  • “In September, people switched WordPress themes 3,000,799 times.” @andrea_r #wcsf #wcsf14

  • “WordPress makes it’s easy to migrate a theme, even providing a live preview.” @andrea_r #wcsf #wcsf14

  • “What theme can i use as a blog?” is like asking for a car w/ wheels at a car dealership. @andrea_r #wcsf #wcsf14

  • .@chrislema reveals his blogging analytics. Takeaway: gradual growth increase. Nothing “viral”. #wcsf14 #wcsf

  • “Constantly reflect on the possible channels you have to distribute your content.” @chrislema #wcsf14 #wcsf

  • “Some people skip the 3/4 of my posts to get past my stories.” @chrislema #wcsf #wcsf14

  • “There’s no way you going to establish your voice if you write only once a year.” @chrislema #wcsf14 #wcsf

  • “A list of links to WordPress themes for a post – it has no voice, and not giving yourself a voice.” @chrislema #wcsf

  • “Someone’s questions are the leading indictor of their intents and behavior.” @chrislema #wcsf #wcsf14

  • “The advanced WordPress group stopped being advanced about 3 hours after we created it.” @chrislema #wcsf #wcsf14

  • “Everyone wants to be big and famous right away. Start small, start with patience.” @chrislema #wcsf #wcsf14

  • “When finding an audience for your blog, start as niche and narrow as possible. And grow.” @chrislema #wcsf #wcsf14

  • #wcsf rumor: If you say @chrislema name 3 times, he appears and shows you how to charge others for saying your own name 3 times. #wcsf14

  • “3/4 of an Amazon page is user-generated content. We value other’s words, not the brands.” @chrislema #wcsf #wcsf14

  • “Once, brands were the only ones who could tell you about themselves. Today, it’s changing.” @chrislema #wcsf #wcsf14

  • “Why would you want to democratize publishing? Because words have impact.” @chrislema #wcsf #wcsf14

  • .@chrislema as usual, starts off strong. #wcsf #wcsf14

  • “Women have a huge impact on WordPress as a whole.” @photomatt #wcsf #wcsf14

  • “The first and more important thing is to be welcoming. It’s a core principle of WordPress.” @photomatt #wcsf #wcsf14

  • “If we focus too much on the next plugin or next theme, we might lose focus on the bigger picture.” @photomatt #wcsf #wcsf14

  • “Potential threat to WordPress: if the open web goes away, WordPress goes away. Hence why mobile web is vital.” @photomatt #wcsf #wcsf14

  • “Fractal plugins are the future.” @photomatt #wcsf #wcsf14

  • “Vital to security: Make people not afraid to get updates or push the update button.” @photomatt #wcsf #wcsf14