
  • Travel booked for #wcsf. Staying at the Westin. Getting in town in time for hanging out Thursday night.

  • Booking my #wcsf travel. I know i asked before, but hotel recommendations welcome. Reasonable price, but accessible from venue.

  • Impressive that #wcsf sold about half of it’s 700 general admission tickets in it’s first hour. 2013.sf.wordcamp.org/tickets/

  • 15 minutes in, WordCamp San Francisco sold 220+ tickets. #wcsf

  • #wcsf just sold first 100 tickets in about 7 minutes.

  • I felt a great disturbance, as if hundreds of WordPress developer PayPal accounts were suddenly charged in haste and then silenced. #wcsf

  • Almost reached my goal for #wcsf. Thanks to those who helped. Got work? Ping me. davidbisset.com/2013/04/23/wil…

  • Got my first $100 in my “Will Code For WordCamp San Francisco” fund. About $1900 left to go. davidbisset.com/2013/04/23/wil… #wcsf

  • Someone said I should do a Kickstarter like campaign to #wcsf travel. But I would rather work my way there.

  • Looking to take on extra WordPress / BuddyPress work so I can get my ass to WordCamp San Fran davidbisset.com/2013/04/23/wil… #wcsf

  • For the night folks: available for work so I can attend WordCamp San Fran #wcsf this year. davidbisset.com/2013/04/23/wil…

  • Got a WordPress or BuddyPress project? Help get my butt to #wcsf. 🙂 davidbisset.com/2013/04/23/wil…

  • For those who attended #wcsf, what hotel did you stay in or recommend? Also for someone never before in SF, rent car or no?

  • Nominating talks for #wcsf. Like the idea. Like a very techy/nerdy version of American Idol or something.

  • Happy days. Got my #wcsf t-shirt. twitpic.com/apoqn5

  • If anyone (looking at you #wcsf speakers) can help fill up the few missing slide links, drop me a line. bit.ly/MqzlsP

  • Updated my list of links to #wcsf slides. bit.ly/MqzlsP

  • @modemlooper if it’s not supported… shoot let’s just come to #wcsf next year a day early and get an unofficial group together.

  • @SiobhanPMcKeown might want to check this video on Scaling WordPress from last year’s #wcsf bit.ly/qDL1Zj

  • Those funky psychedelic slides you saw in @photomatt State of the Word 2012 are here. slidesha.re/N9ZzxL #wcsf

  • In case you missed it: all currently published (so far) slides from #wcsf: bit.ly/MqzlsP

  • Looks like a geeky “Justice League” at the Hall of Justice. RT @photomatt: Dev day discussions #wcsf wp.me/p4-15U

  • RT @pippinsplugins: New core patch submitted for default settings field callbacks core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/21488 #wcsf

  • @chriscoyier where be your #wcsf slides, brother?

  • Either there’s a lot of women in bikinis at #wcsf dev day or the hashtag spam has gotten out of control.

  • RT @andrewspittle: “If there are 100 new contributors that’s more important than 100 more changes to WP.” – @nacin #wcsf

  • The State of BuddyPress – @WordCampSF 2012 Slides: bit.ly/NhXRav @pgibbs #wcsf

  • Updated #wcsf slide list w/ @pgibbs “State of BuddyPress” slides. bit.ly/MqzlsP

  • Here are link to all the slides (published so far) from #wcsf. bit.ly/MqzlsP

  • @kovshenin not without issues, but for the most part was up and got to enjoy #wcsf. i’ll be there in person next year for sure.