
  • Test your rollbacks, so when it’s time to do one for real you aren’t nervous. @markjaquith #wcsf

  • .@markjaquith talks about Capistrano-WP: github.com/crowdfavorite/… #wcsf

  • Here’s the “big red deploy button” @markjaquith mentioned: deploybutton.com #wcsf

  • Beanstalk (beanstalkapp.com) and Deplyhq.com are good alternatives for versioning and deployment. #wcsf @markjaquith

  • Will @markjaquith announce WordPress 3.6 on stage at #wcsf? We have the cooler of Gatorade standing by.

  • “git bisect” is good to know. “git biceps” is something completely different. #wcsf @markjaquith

  • RT @SiobhanPMcKeown: If anyone wants to check out the WordPress book in progress you can find it right here: github.com/WordPress/book #wcsf

  • The dreaded DNS change over. “You accept that they take longer than Zappos can get you a pair of shoes”. @markjaquith #wcsf

  • “I’ve made all the mistakes. I’ve had to recover a site from Google cache.” @markjaquith admits. #wcsf

  • What @markjaquith really wanted to call his talk. #wcsf

  • Someone get @markjaquith a pipe to smoke. It would complete the look. #wcsf

  • .@jjj answers the tough questions. #wcsf

  • “If BuddyPress project is to move forward, we need more people just experimenting and playing with new theme ideas.” @karmatosed #wcsf

  • RT @pgibbs: Oh my. “BuddyPress-curious”. #wcsf

  • Template Pack coming in BuddyPress 1.9 karmatosed.github.io/buddypress-tem… #wcsf @karmatosed

  • Love @karmatosed ideas on more useful and expanded BuddyPress menus. #wcsf

  • “Become a UI Indiana Jones and eat Monkey Brains.” #wcsf @karmatosed

  • “The default theme isn’t what BuddyPress is. We need to escape and dream, experiment with new layouts.” #wcsf @karmatosed

  • BuddyPress 1.7 “works with any theme” feature isn’t the death of BP design. It gives more people more opportunities. #wcsf @karmatosed

  • .@karmatosed talking about the early days of BuddyPress. #wcsf

  • Ouch. Designing in BuddyPress was “an ancient trial that you had to wrestle with”. @tammyhart #wcsf

  • First up: @karmatosed talking about “Explorations and Experiments in BuddyPress”. #wcsf

  • Around 570 videos uploaded to WordPress.tv in the past 12 months. #wcsf

  • Say hi to the registration folks. #wcsf vine.co/v/hAhMhFr7PvD

  • Armchair WordCampers: Don’t forget to all grab a lifestream ticket. $10 for 2 days. 2013.sf.wordcamp.org/tickets #wcsf

  • The traditional hanging of the Happiness Bar sign. #wcsf

  • #wcsf protip: Know your last name when registering.

  • Like the look of the #wcsf badges.

  • Say hi to @davidlaietta – one of the many volunteers working hard at #wcsf.

  • Managed to catch a cab with done @automattic folks. Here at #wcsf!