
  • RT @WordCampSF: Are you a #wcsf live stream attendee? Please share your experience on Friday by taking this survey: wcsf.polldaddy.com/s/wcsf2013-liv…

  • I use POEDIT personally for translations. But have heard good things on GlotPess. #wcsf @cafenoirdesign

  • .@cafenoirdesign refers to @Otto42 article in Internationalization. Must read for tips. ottopress.com/2012/internati… #wcsf

  • This is a list of contributors who are currently working on WordPress localization: codex.wordpress.org/L10n:Localizat… #wcsf @cafenoirdesign

  • You can have WordPress in Klingon. It is a good day to blog. #wcsf @cafenoirdesign

  • 2/3 of the world speak more than 1 language. Lots of people using WordPress that aren’t necessarily speaking English. #wcsf @cafenoirdesign

  • Now starting upstairs: @cafenoirdesign on how to internationalize WordPress themes. #wcsf

  • Here’s the Smashing Magazine FlexBox article: coding.smashingmagazine.com/2013/05/22/cen… #wcsf @joshbroton

  • Here’s a “complete guide to flexboxes” from css-tricks.com: css-tricks.com/snippets/css/a… #wcsf @joshbroton

  • #wcsf peeps listening to @joshbroton, here’s a good introduction link on flexboxes: net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/html…

  • .@joshbroton is wowing the crowd with flexboxes. #css #wcsf

  • display: table-cell makes columns equal height and vertical centering the content. But there are side-effects. #wcsf @joshbroton

  • When @joshbroton talks about floats I get a flashback to this. #wcsf

  • About those 2005/2013 photos that @joshbroton showed off: washingtonpost.com/blogs/innovati… #wcsf

  • .@Ipstenu is talking people out of multisite while @joshbroton talks about KidBlogs on multisite: 3.2 mil blog 125k blogs on 1 db. #wcsf

  • Marquee video if you want a quick way to vomit. #wcsf vine.co/v/hAevB2e0LHO

  • .@joshbroton is playing with marquees and cute kittens somewhere are dying. #wcsf

  • Having fun with marquee tags. #wcsf

  • So far 52 Instagram photos, 2300 tweets, and zero Flickr photos on wcsf.wparmchair.com. By Sunday we’ll hit 10,000 #wcsf tweets.

  • Love it. @kovshenin made a plugin to stop query_posts() use. wordpress.org/plugins/stop-q… #wcsf

  • Don’t reference scripts in your theme header. Use wp_enqueue_script() and wp_enqueue_style(). #wcsf

  • Anyone check – am I still the only guy listed at “looking for work” on the #wcsf whiteboard downstairs?

  • Some theme options on WordPress.com themes are moved into plugins and @jetpack – @iandstewart #wcsf

  • Reminder to #wcsf folks: Just because a theme sells well on a popular marketplace site, doesn’t mean it a great experience AFTER the sell.

  • “Stereos that sold the most in the 90s had the most buttons.” @iandstewart on why some theme w/ tons of options still sell. #wcsf

  • Thanks to @devpress for mentioning wcsf.wparmchair.com. It’s monitoring a lot right of activity right now! #wcsf devpress.com/track-and-live…

  • Kirby WordPress theme that @iandstewart made which became Twenty Ten. wordpress.org/themes/kirby #wcsf

  • Join up with the WordPress theme review team, and become an expert theme designer as a result. make.wordpress.org/themes #wcsf

  • “Everyhere here should make a theme. We need more people want to experiment and delight users.” @iandstewart #wcsf

  • If your menu in your theme options = number of items in the WordPress menu itself, you might be doing something wrong. @iandstewart #wcsf