
  • Clickjacking is a real. Kids, be careful what you click on. Use protection. @mdawaffe #wcsf

  • PHP functions are not secure by default. So know your tools and options. @mdawaffe #wcsf

  • RT @WordCampSF: Livestream folks watching @mdawaffe: tweet your questions at any time using the #wcsf hashtag.

  • HTTP can’t keep a secret. Like my three year old daughter. @mdawaffe #wcsf

  • .@mdawaffe is doing his #wcsf security presentation like a Hollywood screenplay. Awesome way to present.

  • grunt-wp-plugin: github.com/10up/grunt-wp-… grunt-wp-theme: github.com/10up/grunt-wp-… @10up @EricMann #wcsf

  • Here’s @EricMann video: “Unit Testing: Minutes Now Will Save Hours Later” youtube.com/watch?v=_UmmaP… #wcsf

  • gruntjs.com is a powerful automation tool. Runs JSHint, Sass, unit tests. @EricMann #wcsf

  • OH: “Honey, I Shrunk The Code.” @EricMann #wcsf

  • A bicycle that would wash windows? I would buy it. @EricMann #wcsf

  • Document your code. Even if it’s you coming back to it. Because you’ll forget. @EricMann #wcsf

  • Useful variable/function names are vital. make_it_so() as a function DOESNT HELP. @EricMann #wcsf

  • .@EricMann is the man. #wcsf

  • Armchair WordCampers: Don’t forget to look at wcsf.wparmchair.com with your lifestream for tweets, photos, and videos. #wcsf

  • .@alisothegeek killed it with her presentation on user testing! #wcsf

  • RT @EricMann: For anyone who wants to get started with WP unit testing, take a look at @10up’s github.com/10up/wp_mock #wcsf

  • User testing allows you to test code AS you write it, not after your done. Which can drive you bananas. @alisothegeek #wcsf

  • Good, Fast, Cheap. Pick Two? Not with unit testing. You get all three. @alisothegeek #wcsf

  • “Unit testing allows you to write better code.” @alisothegeek #wcsf

  • Great to see @alisothegeek start off #wcsf. Talking about P2 use at @automattic

  • RT @WPwatercooler: Today at lunch during #WCSF we will be meeting all 56 past #WPwatercooler guests to take a group picture. Near left bike…

  • Here’s the current list of people looking for WordPress work at #wcsf as of this morning: davidbisset.com/2013/07/27/wor…

  • Protip: Sponsor t-shirts make great gifts for your spouse after you return home from #wcsf. #cheapskate

  • An honor to meet @naokomc from Tokoyo, where they have WordCamps with 1000+ attending. #wcsf

  • Armchair WordCampers: Day #2 of #wcsf. No lifestream ticket yet? Get one for @photomatt State of the Word: 2013.sf.wordcamp.org/tickets/

  • Crap. I’m awake and not able to get back to sleep. #wcsf

  • Finally got to meet the three wise men in person: @Otto42 @coffee2code and @jeffr0 #wcsf

  • There’s a massive Cards Against Humanity game underway in the Westin lounge. #wcsf

  • Want to see #wcsf attendees have dinner (and all the other photos from today’s event)? wcsf.wparmchair.com

  • Having Thai food with @karmatosed @davidlaietta @thenbrent @lachlanj @bronsonquick. #wcsf