
  • One way to convince people not use a plugin is bad design. #wcsf @photomatt

  • 3.7 is a platform focused release that will be coming out in early October. @photomatt #wcsf

  • People have a great shortened attention span… OH LOOK A KITTY. #wcsf

  • Happiness vs. Rarity/Validity. @photomatt #wcsf

  • Internal trigger is fear. External trigger is my wife asking me what i got her for our anniversary, which i’ve forgotten. #wcsf

  • 18.9% of the web is running WordPress. Last year was 16.7%. @photomatt #wcsf

  • How People Use WordPress: 69% CMS, 20% Blog/CMS, 6% Blog, 7% App Platform @photomatt #wcsf

  • Who’s Using WordPress On What: 98% Web, 31% iPad/iPhone, 30% Android, %18 Android Tablet, 12% Desktop App @photomatt #wcsf

  • Plugins, updates, and security were “problems” people reported in the official survey. @photomatt #wcsf

  • 336 themes added in the theme directory in the last 12 months. #wcsf @photomatt

  • WordPress History: The Book will be on @github. See changes and updates as it’s being written. @photomatt #wcsf

  • Revision feature of WordPress 3.6 got “ohs” and applause in the video. I saw @markjaquith crying. #wcsf

  • First time ever video of WordPress 3.6. #wcsf vine.co/v/hAgiKXZXOm3

  • See all the photos during @photomatt “State of the Word”: wcsf.wparmchair.com/?allimages=true #wcsf

  • Here’s the official 10th Anniversary WordPress site: wp10.wordpress.net #wcsf

  • 1.4 million views of WordCamp Videos on WordPress.tv. @photomatt #wcsf

  • 314 WordCamps to-date. 72 this year alone. 1,206 unique speakers in the past 12 months. @photomatt #wcsf

  • Young @photomatt and little older @photomatt. #wcsf

  • First WordCamp printed out badges as people arrived. WordCamp organizers cringed. @photomatt #wcsf

  • Hope. #wcsf #WordPress3.6

  • Let’s see if wcsf.wparmchair.com can handle @photomatt “State of the Word”. #wcsf

  • Completely packed house now at #wcsf for @photomatt “State of the Word.” #wcsf

  • Crowd settling in for @photomatt “State of the Word”. #wcsf

  • RT @SiteGround: You can’t join the #wcsf live stream? Check out the curated content on WP Armchair by @dimensionmedia wcsf.wparmchair.com

  • This is me after listening to @mdawaffe talk today at #wcsf: 3.bp.blogspot.com/-WpuYGqCEHDg/U…

  • “Is everyone parsing XML in here is doing it insecurely?” “YES”. #wcsf @mdawaffe

  • Read phpsecurity.readthedocs.org, wasp.com, and cdn.ly.tl/publications/b… #wcsf @mdawaffe

  • Understand data formats better, especially XML. PHP handling of rick formats is not secure by default. @mdawaffe #wcsf

  • X-Frame-Options: DENY tells browsers not to load the page in a frame. @mdawaffe #wcsf

  • HTTP code 204 = no content. It’s the same look i give my wife when she asks me when our anniversary is. @mdawaffe #wcsf