
  • Public Post Preview mentioned by @pippinsplugins gives a link to anonymous users for public preview of a post. #wcsf wordpress.org/plugins/public…

  • So far, 5200 tweets and 107 instagrams for wcsf.wparmchair.com. Zero for Flickr? Is Flickr for WordPress users dead? #wcsf

  • “Share A Draft” (Let your friends preview one of your drafts) plugin mention in @nacin session at #wcsf wordpress.org/plugins/sharea…

  • map_meta_cap is @nacin favorite hook in WordPress. So naturally, that means it’s dangerous. #wcsf

  • This is me right now in @nacin #wcsf session: media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lwqd1np…

  • Nice. You can give secondary “administrator” less control. “Diet Admin”. #wcsf @nacin

  • Wow. @nacin shows how they removed the link functionality in WordPress 3.5 in about 4 lines of code. Easy and clean. #wcsf

  • .@nacin explains different levels if edit post privileges. #wcsf

  • Existing primitive capabilities + new meta capabilities = real power. @nacin #wcsf

  • “We have been more profitable on WordPress than any other platform.” @justlikeair #wcsf

  • Check out @alexkingorg Capsule product mentioned at #wcsf alexking.org/blog/2013/04/2…

  • WordPress is just a blog like the NSA is just a backup service. #wcsf

  • “I would love to see something like the “post-to-post” plugin baked into core.” @williamsba #wcsf

  • “Do it because you love it. There’s no magical shortcut to have a team of 5 or 10 people.” @jakemgold #wcsf

  • “What better education is there, than having someone in the company that focuses on WordPress contributing.” @jakemgold #wcsf

  • “70% of @helenhousandi time goes to core.” @jakemgold #wcsf

  • Everybody in the same building. @alexkingorg *MIND BLOWN* #wcsf

  • Wow. 5000+ tweets saved as WordPress posts. Thanks for all the feedback so far on wcsf.wparmchair.com #wcsf

  • “You can choke it.” @photomatt #takenOutOfContext #wcsf

  • “If websites could run without servers, it would make my life a lot easier.” @williamsba #wcsf

  • Nice turnout for the “From Freelance to WordPress Agency”. #wcsf

  • .@jakemgold wants to be Green Lantern. And sorry ladies. #wcsf

  • .@bradwilliams goes with Batman – no super abilities, but wants to be rich. #wcsf

  • If you liked @JJJ at #wcsf, you’ll love his @wordsesh video on BuddyPress history: youtube.com/watch?v=s2zV-C…

  • A solid way of fighting BuddyPress register spam in my opinion is use a 3rd-party plugin Gravity Forms + User Registration plugin. #wcsf

  • makeupgeek.com combines BuddyPress and bbPress. BuddyPress aggregates network activity and profile pages. #wcsf

  • .@JJJ features markeupgeek.com as a BuddyPress site but says he can’t relate to it. The lady doth protest too much, methinks. #wcsf

  • h Mag (hmag.com) runs on BuddyPress and is one of @JJJ default examples of a “good BuddyPress site”. #wcsf

  • The mighty @JJJ has spoken. He wants a tricked out Google+ like BuddyPress team. Get to work, people. #wcsf

  • OPENLab At City Tech has a really nice customized profile page for it’s members. openlab.citytech.cuny.edu #wcsf @JJJ