Armchair WordCampers: Say hello to #WordPress folks in New York at @wordcamprocny w/ @nickadamstv @jpurpleman @michelleames @kpatelneha23 @jimechter @ShantaDotCa #WCROC
Armchair WordCampers: Follow the second @wordcamprocny w/ @heyfusco @lgedeon @taupecat @CCBakerMarriage @cuseXC @michelleames #wcroc
Armchair WordCampers: Rock on w/ @wordcamprocny in NY today and @michellearbore @collinparan @brianrotsztein @lujeffcoat @ShantaDotCa #wcroc
RT @conferenciahq: WordPress events happening this weekend. #wcnl #wca2 #wcroc #wpcincy #WCNashik conferencia.io/events/ https://t.co/mBe…
I’m spreading the word: @wordcamprocny could use a few additional $500 or $100 sponsors. Great event that i’m currently mentoring. #wcroc