
  • Will HTML5 apps get to be as good as native apps? @jakemgold asks. Almost everyone raises their hand. Good start people! #wcphx

  • RT @AZcomm: @dimensionmedia There are six charging stations in front of the main stage… #wcphx

  • The plan? “Where we have been w/ HTML5, where we are going, and what the trends are.” @jakemgolld #wcphx

  • @janeforshort awesome to hear you are using BuddyPress. Can’t wait to see how. #wcphx

  • Ok, where is the promised charging stations in “The Think Tank”? No riots – yet. #wcphx

  • Getting settled to hear @jakemgold talk about responsive design. #wcphx twitpic.com/8ojpt6

  • @janeforshort aaaawwwwwww….. #wcphx

  • The #wcphx band is much better than Leno’s, but that’s not saying much I’m afraid.

  • How did #wcphx get a picture of @janeforshort as a young girl? twitpic.com/8ojjxy

  • Haters gotta hate. #wcphx twitpic.com/8ojitm

  • RT @jakemgold: Can HTML/CSS/JS web apps ever be as good as native apps? My #wcphx talk at 9:30 in Think Tank track might make you rethink.

  • RT @jerrythepunkrat: Nerdin’ it up at #WCPHX with @Steven_Rose @dimensionmedia @dbwilldo and a whole bunch of other rockin’ peeps.

  • It’s not a true “rockstar” bar without er… uh…. goodies if you know what I mean. #wcphx

  • Counting how many times the ‘P’ wasn’t capitalized in the #wcphx morning presentation slides.

  • #wcphx spellchecker broken. twitpic.com/8ojawq

  • Waiting for #wcphx opening remarks. twitpic.com/8oj57w

  • Sound be interesting to see if QR codes work for #wcphx twitpic.com/8oik9a

  • Gotta love #wcphx. Waiting in ticket line and some guys behind me are talking about strippers.

  • Good morning fellow #wcphx campers. After a quick shower, i’m off to Yoli’s for coffee before hitting the Chandler Center.

  • If you want some free WordPress/BuddyPress stickers and badges/pins, find me at the #wcphx ice cream social at @gangplank tonight.

  • Currently hanging out at @gangplank waiting for the #wcphx ice cream social to start. Too tired to do the bar hopping.

  • @seanherron i might. stop by room 104. #wcphx

  • Talking about serialized data and different domain lengths w/ WordPress. Possible tool: Search Replace DB Script bit.ly/k49IeD #wcphx

  • Currently talking about Adam R Brown’s WordPress Hooks database: adambrown.info/p/wp_hooks #wcphx

  • My buddy @m2guru mentioned PhantomJS: phantomjs.org (Looks pretty cool. It’s a headless WebKit w/ Javascript API). #wcphx

  • RT @jakemgold: Hey #wcphx – are you a great #WordPress dev or a good 1 w great PHP skills? 10up is always recruiting. Find me or @helenh …

  • Storing passwords in the database as plain text? How much crack would one need to think that is a good idea? #wcphx

  • #wcphx TurboCSV (bit.ly/wTgV72) imports Excel or CSV data into your WordPress site.

  • #wcphx @norcross mentioned the PHP Simple HTML DOM Parser simplehtmldom.sourceforge.net

  • Them be fighting words: “Chrome can catch up to IE if they wanted to” (regarding supporting RSS natively). @norcross #wcphx