
  • Talking about get_objects_in_term(). Codex link: bit.ly/x5aHZA #wcphx

  • Improving efficiency in WP_Query: If you don’t need post meta, set update_post_meta_cache/update_post_term_cache to false. #wcphx

  • @codyL really? nice (i also read that as the “I see dead people” line) #WCPHX

  • WP_Query contains all methods for The Loop. If you don’t need that, consider get_posts(). #wcphx

  • Surprised that people are surprised that Apple (Macs and iPads mostly) are dominating #wcphx.

  • Using WP_Query when you can (over $wpdb) – it future-proofs your code, simpler to use, supports caching, and has multiple filters. #wcphx

  • Shot of @squireX2 and @ehitter from @wpengine at #wcphx. twitpic.com/8oknu6

  • Development: Use debug bar (bit.ly/dUkjXn) and learn about WP_DEBUG (bit.ly/yCZJfl). #wcphx

  • Before getting into anything deep, writing clean efficient code reduces compilation time and is a good start for fast sites. #wcphx

  • Up next in the Think Tank: @squirex2 and @ethitter talking about scaling WordPress. #wcphx

  • Props to @jakemgold for an excellent presentation. And those slides were prepared so well in advance, it shows. #wcphx

  • Uh oh. Capital violation. 🙂 #wcphx twitpic.com/8okhw2

  • RT @WordPressDave: Cool WordPress IDX plugin for real estate agents foundwithprofound.com/getfoundidx/. #wcphx

  • Here’s the link to the CSS3/HTML5 game @jakemgold is showing off: keithclark.co.uk/labs/3dcss/demo #wcphx

  • For those interesting in learning more, HTML5 drag and drop upload and file API tutorial: bit.ly/iP8gAO #wcphx

  • The CSS3 owl got the most “aawwww”. Here’s the link for it: bit.ly/fPP3GO #wcphx

  • DOM objects were mentioned and some people got some weird looks on their faces. Wonder what they thought it meant? #wcphx

  • Examples of responsive design in the wild: bit.ly/qQN0qr #wcphx // cc @tddewey

  • Hipsters use cool CSS3 transitions. #wcphx

  • Google web fonts (bit.ly/e6U8B6) and Font Squirrel are handy (bit.ly/c3wXLK). Mentioned by @jakemgold #wcphx

  • 99 problems but CMS ain’t one. RT @tddewey: apparently jay-z’s site is WP #wcphx

  • Come on @jakemgold, you didn’t mean mention this incredible font: bit.ly/qMuzs #wcphx

  • Good links on css3 media queries: bit.ly/bsso2G & bit.ly/y3rfC3 #wcphx

  • The concept of Responsive Design is adapting your layout to different contexts… like a boss. @jakemgold #wcphx

  • We are moving away from “putting that budget item for IE6”. Yes, I did seriously add that to my web project budgets. #wcphx

  • Good to see @jakemgold rocking it at #wcphx. twitpic.com/8ojwi9

  • .@jakemgold : “Remember Shockwave? Java? RealPlayer?” I do. I’m old. Now get off my lawn. #wcphx

  • Flash was mentioned by @jakemgold. There were giggles. One person vomited in their mouth. #wcphx

  • Unifying Theory of Web Change: More “Devices” + Economic Realities + High Consumer Expectations = Big Growth of UNIVERSAL Platforms #wcphx

  • @seanherron good man! Capitalize those P’s. 🙂 #wcphx