
  • #wcphx @saracannon is showing off one-page design examples. Nice examples, I have to admit.

  • Listening to @saracannon right now. Going to talk about design while my food digests. #wcphx

  • If someone had a surge protector, they could make a few bucks at #wcphx. Just say’n.

  • Awesome license plate to have at #wcphx. twitpic.com/8omhk9

  • Getting hungry. How hungry? I just referred to the @phxwordcamp logo as “BBQ colored” and looks like a chicken wing. #wcphx

  • “Facebook doesn’t even tell people on their ‘preferred developer list’ about chnages.” I know, it’s shocking. #wcphx

  • Modifying the WordPress core is like dating your sister. Not the best of ideas. @norcross #wcphx

  • #wcphx @norcross is recommending Gravity Forms (worth it) and Post 2 Posts (bit.ly/qRdVPZ)

  • If wp_http class “is your FRIEND” then maybe it can loan me $20. @norcross #wcphx

  • .@norcross “I am always surprised at the mistakes people make.” When something brakes, client thinks you broke it. Case closed. #wcphx

  • Links to NivoSlider (bit.ly/dzyPak) FullCalendar (bit.ly/668nQ) and Chosen (bit.ly/r1XSxh) @norcross #wcphx

  • SLUGS MATTER. – @norcross (Both in nature and in WordPress) #wcphx

  • Custom fields and metaboxes class for WordPress mentioned by @norcross : bit.ly/mHQxE7 #wcphx

  • Love the “watch out, we got a baddass over here” meme in @norcross presentation at #wcphx.

  • When a client says “I want a Facebook for $500”, run… don’t walk away. @norcross #wcphx

  • My fellow Floridan @norcross is up now talking about breaking the mold. Yuck. Right before lunch too. #wcphx twitpic.com/8ole89

  • RT @m2guru: Great question at ThinkTank #wcphx. What backup plugin do you recommend? Backups? I wrote my own? I just download the site v …

  • DO NOT EDIT WORDPRESS CORE FILES. There, it’s in caps. Happy? #wcphx

  • Beware of plugins that update database tables on every page load. #wcphx

  • Don’t run PHP in Apacahe at all, use PHP Fast CGI, lighthttpd, etc. Serve static files from disk in Nginx. #wcphx

  • OH: “I’m learning so much at @phxwordcamp that I forgot to pee.” #wcphx

  • Some people use Flickr as a “poor man’s CDN”? Sounds a little dirty to me. Am i right? #wcphx

  • @phrainq @OnDemandStacey ha! yes! an Windows XP. #wcphx

  • WP SmushIt Plugin. Smush it. Smush it real good. bit.ly/LqvKm #wcphx

  • Someone not wanting to upgrade from WordPress 2.7? Probably legal to smack them. #wcphx

  • Again, GoDaddy was mentioned in “Think Tank” at #wcphx. And again, some people got nauseous.

  • @m2guru amen brother! #wcphx

  • WordPress 3.3 is much more efficient if you are using just postnames for permalinks. Before 3.3, WordPress would go bananas. #wcphx

  • Hearing talk in the other #wcphx room on 404 error pages. Can’t talk 404 pages without mentioning THIS 404 page: bit.ly/pA9POc

  • Link for @squirex2 slides from WordCamp Miami (woot!): goo.gl/GRMBM #wcphx