
  • After The Deadline plugin: afterthedeadline.com spell and style checking. Need this for my everyday talking. #wcphx

  • Edit Flow plugin @ryanimel is showing off. Looks like a collection of really nice features. bit.ly/cM7wTD #wcphx

  • @mmWine putting profits above user experience is a dangerous line. why not find a why to reduce costs? #wcphx

  • I used the distraction free editor in WordPress and I couldn’t find my wife and kids. #wcphx

  • Blogging is timely. Sort of. Maybe. A Little. Not much. Ok, never. @ryanimel #wcphx

  • @seanherron do you still have my dongle? 🙂 #wcphx

  • Nice to hear a shoutout from @ryanimel about @5by5 in his #wcphx session. Great postcasts to check out: 5by5.tv

  • +1: Major pet peeve of @ryanimel is when sites break up articles across multiple pages. “It makes me hate you.” #wcphx

  • WordPress and journalism session with @ryanimel #wcphx twitpic.com/8on9gu

  • I disagree w/ the “WordPress can do anything” motto. Most things, yes. But all things well? Know when & how to use it, like any tool. #wcphx

  • SEO debates in design session… they seem to popup anywhere. I think there was one in the restroom earlier today. #wcphx

  • RT @GRTaylor2: If you missed my WP For Creatives #wcphx presentation the slides are available on my site complete w/ voiceover. http://t …

  • @tddewey really? well typography doesn’t have to be HTML to be… well.. great typography. #wcphx

  • Cool resources: WhatFont (bit.ly/f8RpY0) Eye Dropper (bit.ly/lwmIGj) Jason Santa Maria (jasonsantamaria.com/reading) #wcphx

  • Check out the awesome typography on ringboxingclub.com. @saracannon is blowing away the crowd w/ these examples. #wcphx

  • There is no “page fold”. Love your scrollbar (but use protection). Web design is 95% typography. @saracannon #wcphx

  • RT @andrewryno: My slides from my #wcphx talk are up! slideshare.net/andrewryno/plu…

  • Here’s the official link for how to use the WordPress logo properly: wordpress.org/about/logos/ #wcphx

  • “Sliders are so 2011.” Someone better tell 99% of the paid WordPress themes that. #wcphx

  • Things not to use according to @sarahcannon: Comic Sans and the “Bingo Card” design. #wcphx

  • Another awesome example from @sarahcannon – simple, yet effective animation and navigation. films.bybrettjohnson.com #wcphx

  • “Here’s a website about beautiful beer.” @sarahcannon – that got EVERY man’s attention in the room. #wcphx

  • I’m really liking the attention to HTML5 and responsive design at #wcphx. Never seen so much focus, and it’s a welcome sight.

  • A must-see example from @saracannon – check out the animation on slaveryfootprint.org . #wcphx

  • REALLY liking the look and use of movement of momentskis.com – bookmarked! #wcphx

  • There was one gesture missing from @saracannon slide, but that’s ok. #wcphx

  • PandoDaily.com is a child theme of 2011 WP Default Theme and is responsive. Good example! #wcphx

  • “Mobile should never be an afterthought. It’s 2012. We need to start thinking about it when we FIRST design.” @saracannon #wcphx

  • Good mentions from @saracannon on wireframing. Good link for resources, links, and kits: bit.ly/cC1idJ #wcphx

  • Shot of @saracannon off to a good start at #wcphx. twitpic.com/8omls9