
  • If you are a freelancer at @phxwordcamp & aren’t listening to the agency panel right now, you are taking CRAZY PILLS. Good info here. #wcphx

  • If you have built plugins or themes, especially in the WordPres repo, or contribute to core – those are big pluses for freelancers. #wcphx

  • Agencies should establish sub-contractor agreements with freelancers/sub-contractors. Be honest and up-front. #wcphx

  • Nice to hear @jakemgold found his next employee at WordCamp Miami! Woot! #wcphx

  • Keeping track of employees: “We talk as little as possible.” @jakemgold #wcphx

  • If you want to learn about prices from freelancers and agencies, best way to approach him one-on-one and get a project quote. #wcphx

  • Agency advice from @jakemgold : “Always have a plan to add bandwidth. Always be talking to people.” #wcphx

  • Client “wack-a-hole” – saying no to one thing just means the client comes back you with something else. Use a big rubber hammer. #wcphx

  • Learning how to say “No” is one of the most important things freelancers and agencies need to learn. #wcphx

  • Is it me or does @MichaelEck look A LITTLE like the actor from NTSF:SD:SUV? #wcphx bit.ly/pywIKg

  • As a freelancer, when you try to do too much – you end up doing LESS. #wcphx

  • Don’t differentiate on price. Expertise & creativity – try to find something worth paying more for. People will always undercut you. #wcphx

  • “How do agencies differentiate themselves?” Target market. Budget. Timelines. Technology. #wcphx

  • Agency #wcphx panel. Not American Idol judges. twitpic.com/8onvqm

  • Getting seated for the panel discussion coming up w/ @michaelEck @Shailesh @jakemgold @DallinHarris #wcphx.

  • Someone who is the best to patrol ad usage for your site is someone who HATES ads. #wcphx

  • Hire a journalist to edit your site. Not a bad idea! Boo-ya! #wcphx

  • “How do you find better readers?” Find a topic nobody is talking about. Worse readers? Write about Justin Bieber. #wcphx

  • Podcast plugin talked about was Bluburry PowerPress Podcasting Plugin bit.ly/1NvhD4 #wcphx

  • “If your readers aren’t pushing you to do more, it might be time to find better readers.” @ryanimel #wcphx

  • Tips from @ryanimel on blogging: Source your work. Communicate what you’re writing. Original Work. Have an editorial policy. #wcphx

  • Easily move posts from Google Docs to WordPress w/ “Docs To WordPress” bit.ly/jKzopN #wcphx

  • FaultPress is a WordPress theme for “bug tracking / ticketing”, used by @ryanimel. bit.ly/w6kGK0 #wcphx

  • P2 WordPress theme is great for internal groups (also can be used for other creative reasons): p2theme.com #wcphx

  • Hey @syedbalkhi – @ryanimel hates the “by editoral staff” mention on @wpbeginner. Fight! Fight! #wcphx

  • I like my WordPress news themes like I like my wife’s feedback on my work habits: minimal. #wcphx

  • Winerlinks adds paragraph-level permalinks for your posts: bit.ly/c872mD #wcphx

  • This looks interesting for social media story telling: storify.com #wcphx

  • Revisionary plugin allows people to submit revisions to published posts and publish what you choose: bit.ly/9TRisu #wcphx

  • Graceful Pull-Quotes plugin: bit.ly/zEx3Br #wcphx