My only “constructive comment” for #wcphx is year was their lack of large t-shirt sizes. No XXL, XXXL, or “tent” sizes.
@KristieMTaylor one way people do it is to keep notes (public or private) on their own WordPress blog! 🙂 #wcphx
Nice to see kids enjoying how to use WordPress at “WordPress for Kids” at @gangplank #wcphx
Having breakfast. #wcphx (at Yoli’s Cafe) — path.com/p/38afDY
@chrisjean ooohhh… will you be at @gangplank (and if so when)? #wcphx
“The Truth About How Web Graphics Affect Conversions” (bit.ly/A2jPSe) Would have gone great w/ @ryanimel #wcphx session yesterday.
Nice seeing old friends (@redcrew @ptahdunbar @ryanimel @jakemgold) & meet new ones (@GetSource @helenhousandi @seanheron) at #wcphx
Woot! @phxwordcamp after party! Let’s party like it’s WordPress 1.5! #wcphx
Would love to go to the “WordPress for Kids” tomorrow, but feel awkward about asking to borrow a kid. #wcphx
I met myself. That’s deep spiritual crap people. #wcphx
You know, the t-shirts they throw into the crowd would go further if they put rocks in them. #wcphx
Truly @phxwordcamp has been a whorehouse of knowledge today. Great job guys. #wcphx
“There are a ton of people that are concerned about code. Most of them unfort probably live in caves.” @chrisjean #wcphx
Just can’t get that pool scene from Caddyshack out of my head during @chrisjean #wcphx presentation. Talking about pooping in pools.
Using example code without looking and moifying it is like eating an expired twinkle blindfolded. Not recommended. #wcphx
The WordPress admin bar and the WordPress debug bar are not candy. #wcphx
Taking down #wcphx items this early makes it look like someone didn’t pay a bill. Hopefully the lights will stay on for @iameli. :-p
When coding in WordPress, prefix your functions with a prefix that makes since. Use function_exists(). #wcphx
Shot of @aaroncampbell at #wcphx. twitpic.com/8ooqt6
Here’s excellent info on wp_enqueue_script from the codex: bit.ly/4nAziz #wcphx
Loading multiple versions of jQuery in your WP site = wrong. According to @chrisjean there are 500+ plugins that do this in the repo. #wcphx
If you directly printing scripts and styles in the header, you are doing it wrong. #wcphx
Never use wp_deregister_script. Learn to make your code adapt to different script versions. #wcphx
Shot of @chrisjean saying “this presentation will piss some designers off.” #wcphx twitpic.com/8oom0o
Now attending “Don’t Sh** in the Pool” from @chrisjean @ithemes. Slides here: slidesha.re/wCL5y1 #wcphx
The way to get into new markets (agencies and freelancers), try doing some pro-bono work (for non-profits). #wcphx
Anyone interested in contracts and freelancing, might want to check out @Mike_FTW talk !*## You, Pay Me: vimeo.com/22053820 #wcphx
Don’t pretend to do something you can’t do or that falls outside of your core abilities. Outsource, pre-screen if need be. #wcphx
RT @squireX2: @dimensionmedia Kayako is alright but I prefer zendesk. It is what @wpengine uses .#wcphx
Helpdesk / ticketing software Kayako was mentioned: kayako.com #wcphx