
  • RT @m2guru: Seth Carstens recommends mite.keynote.com, a free solution to emulate 12,000+ mobile devices for testing websites. #wcphx

  • How’s my friend @ptahdunbar doing? Tell him @dimensionmedia says hi from the other room. Break his focus, it’s funny. #wcphx

  • @HelperBinAZ offhand, I would recommend host gator for small sites. I’m sure many others have more suggestions. 🙂 #wcphx

  • For monitoring and to determine performance, in addition to pingdom, try wormly.com #wcphx

  • Goaddy was mentioned in the 104 #wcphx room. And somewhere a baby seal was clubbed.

  • This post from @37signals was mentioned regarding hosting uptime: bit.ly/dU6l4D #wcphx

  • For monitoring, I recommend pingdom. #wcphx

  • Drupal was a much better (than WordPress) system for quality assurance and “workflow” according to @sethcarstens. #wcphx

  • “18 year olds expect a website to load in 3 seconds or less.” Akismet stat via @sethcarstens #wcphx

  • Know your audience. Whether they use smartphones, feature phones, or two Dixie cups and a string. #wcphx

  • Brief discussion on Sencha vs. jQuery Mobile. URL to learn more: sencha.com/products/touch #wcphx

  • “Testing for coding is like paperwork for police officers. ” @sethcarstens #wcphx

  • jQuery Mobile is “new and buggy” and default can cause issues. Granted, version 1.0.1 was just released. #wcphx

  • jQuery Mobile (jquerymobile.com) pros: fast, efficient, and helps with forms. And it’s jQuery. Duh!!! #wcphx

  • If you aren’t programming for a grid, BluePrintCss.org was recommended. Seems to also support alot of add-ons. #wcphx

  • BluePrintCSS.org is subtractive. Feature set allows you to disable what you don’t need. #wcphx

  • 960.js is the suggested grid layout. It’s additive and “everything you need in 1 download”. URL: 960.gs #wcphx

  • Learning about “The Grid” in 104 #wcphx. No, it’s not something from TRON.

  • Now talking about CSS3 Media Queries (some information pulled from webdesignerwall.com ) #wcphx

  • RT @m2guru: Cool. Fill in the HTML5 gaps for lt IE 9 code.google.com/p/css3-mediaqu… #wcphx

  • “iPhones think they are smarter than you”. Hence <Meta> Tags. #wcphx

  • “In the advanced class, if you don’t know what a meta tag is – I would have to kick you out.” @sethcarstens #wcphx

  • First up: @sethcarstens talking about mobile. Talking about “responsive width”. There’s a fat joke in there somewhere. #wcphx

  • The WP401 class didn’t perk up until the phrase “food trucks” was mentioned. #wcphx

  • Coffee meetup w/ @ryanimel @wpmodder @brianbourn @sethshoultes. #wcphx

  • Having coffee with @brianbourn at Yolis. #wcphx

  • @wpmodder never been there before, but it comes recommended by the locals. see you there. #wcphx

  • Early morn. #wcphx coffee meetup at Yolis (behind @gangplank). 7:15-ish. Directions: bit.ly/yUp804 @ryanimel @ptahdunbar @GRTaylor2

  • #wcphx morning meetup 7:20ish at Yolis for coffee. @sethshoultes @GetSource @brianbourn @GRTaylor2 @ryanimel

  • For early #wcphx risers, 7:15ish at Yolis for coffee sounds like a plan. Who’s in?