
  • Shot of the #wcphx 104 crowd listening to @helenhousandi. twitpic.com/8o4rr6

  • Using Chosen, a js plugin that makes multi-selects friendlier, as replacement for WordPress taxonomy metaboxes: bit.ly/z5xqdj #wcphx

  • Ha. @helenhousandi says @nacin got cranky about particular details in her #wcphx demo code. Hard to imagine @nacin “cranky”, at least 4 me.

  • Here’s the link in the codex on esc_html(), being used in @helenhousandi code example: bit.ly/zobJpS #wcphx

  • If you are saving data w/ your WordPress custom plugin – get to know wp_verify_nonce() and wp_nonce_field() IMMEDIATELY. #wcphx

  • When you are saving data in your WP custom UI, ALWAYS sanitize it. Like always washing your hands when you use the restroom. #wcphx

  • Bothers us that jQuery datepicker accepts “yy-mm-dd” instead of “yyyy-mm-dd” when you are outputing 4 digits for the year. #wcphx

  • CSS style sheet for jQuery UI from @helenhousandi on github: github.com/helenhousandi/… #wcphx

  • Filtering text to better describe to your client what to do is great. Just beware of translated text. #wcphx

  • Here’s codex for remove_meta_box bit.ly/qfLE3k and add_meta_box bit.ly/GDrq9 #wcphx

  • When designing UI in the WordPress backend remember “Less Is More”. Make it clear to the client by correct positioning elements. #wcphx

  • Ha. @helenhousandi is claiming the WordPress admin menu has the worst “dirty” PHP in the entire backend. #wcphx

  • For those still looking for @helenhousandi slides, here they are: slides.helenhousandi.com/wcphx2012.html #wcphx

  • Best practice for devs writing plugins should be changing css on YOUR screens only, not the entire WordPress backend. #wcphx

  • Custom post type icons – 16px for admin menu, 32px for add/edit screens. @helenhousandi is showing some great code examples. #wcphx

  • Custom Post Types are really Custom CONTENT Types. @nacin apparently made @helenhousandi change the title in the #wcphx slide.

  • As devs building extensions into the WordPress backend, we should focus on making it look like it’s always been part of the core. #wcphx

  • Really handy that @helenhousandi has prepared her slides BEFORE her presentation. Easy to follow along. Wish every speaker did this. #wcphx

  • WordPress.org UI Style Guide dotorgstyleguide.wordpress.com #wcphx

  • Core thought in WordPress admin UI: “If it takes you away from the screen, it should be a link and not a button.” @helenhousandi #wcphx

  • Some design/UI concepts to pay attention to include typography, colors, corners, basic layouts, white space, etc. @helenhousandi #wcphx

  • Shot of @helenhousandi at #wcphx. twitpic.com/8o4066

  • #wcphx @helenhousandi is up next with “maintaining a beautiful WordPress admin UI” in room 104.

  • There’s a line for the men’s restroom at #wpchx. We were all joking that a QR code could have somehow solved this. #wcphx

  • wcphx.com is using jQuery Mobile to display it’s mobile content as @sethcarstens is demoing. #wcphx

  • 5 Keys to Mobile Success: (1) Media tags/queries (2) Responsive UIX requires planning. (3) Use Grids (4) Test Sites (5) Market w/ QR #wcphx

  • #wcphx speaker asked if we scanned a QR code before and I answered “yes, but i felt dirty afterwards.”

  • @redcrew cool. tell him i hope he “crashes and burns” and then tell him i was kidding. and tell him he still owes me $20. :-p #wcphx

  • On sites that you “clone” for mobile, block the sites w/ robots.txt. You don’t want duplicate content in Google. #wcphx

  • RT @m2guru: One of the #wcphx volunteers chimed in during the WP401 class talk about performance, says look into jQuery Lazy Load http:/ …