
  • .@tmorian Quoting David C. Baker at @WordCampPHX: “Clients are more likley to notice deficiencies in the quality of ***account / project management** then deficiencies in the quality of the actual work.” #WCPHX pic.twitter.com/NhuVxH70A1 Vi…

  • I hear @michelleames is talking about @UnderRepdInTech at @WordCampPHX. I highly recommend checking it out and adding yourself if possible. #WCPHX twitter.com/UnderRepdInTec…

  • Armchair WordCampers: Day 2 of @WordCampPHX starting soon w/ @tmorian @nullbytes @IntrepidRealist @michelleames @JamesTryon @sabrina_zeidan @MaddyOsman and more. Schedule: phoenix.wordcamp.org/2023/schedule/ Livestream: phoenix.wordcamp.org/…

  • Armchair WordCampers: @WordCampPHX starts today w/ @kathyzant @WebCami @cherylmarquez @vegasgeek @heyamberhinds @NewYorkerLaura @SteveRyan_ASU Schedule: phoenix.wordcamp.org/2023/schedule/ Livestream: phoenix.wordcamp.org/2023/livestrea… #WCP…

  • For the old school #WordPress folks: I heard a rumor there are ice luge t-shirts at #WCPHX.

  • This quote from @WordCampPhoenix didn’t age that well (I wish I could remember who said it – who was speaking at the end of the day in 2012?). #WCPHX twitter.com/dimensionmedia…

  • Nice to see #WCPHX back in my social media stream. @WordCampPHX was my out of Florida WordCamp. When I think of it I always think of “ice luge” and “handcuffs”. Old timers might be able to guess the year. 🧊 twitter.com/WordCampPHX/st… …

  • Nice to see #wcphx in my tweetstream but everytime I think of @WordCampPHX the first words that come to mind are “ice luge”.

  • @sunsanddesign @KidsWC @coderaaron @Ipstenu @ShawnHooper @joemcgill @nikvimal @chriscct7 @kimberlylipari @Michele_Butcher I started the petition to bring Kid’s Camp to #WCMIA after seeing it in #WCPHX but don’t remember the year. Guessing it was 2013.

  • Video of @Pagely CEO @strebel keynote (talking about among other things Authority, Attribution, and Survivorship bias) from #WCPHX earlier this year: pagely.com/blog/wcphx-key… #WordPress

  • RT @McDwayne: If you are new to #WordCamps, like #WCMIA this weekend, or know someone who is, at #WCPHX we made ya a little something: http…

  • Armchair WordCampers: Say hi to this weekend w/ @McDwayne @royboy789 @scottdeluzio @mlteal @stphngrr @topher1kenobe @JocelynMozak @FrancescaMarano #WCPHX

  • Armchair WordCampers: Follow WP in AZ w/ @phxwordcamp & @MindieKniss @pfunder @heyashten @nnsteele @corycrowley @bamadesigner #wcphx

  • Armchair WordCampers: Embrace @phxwordcamp this weekend w/ @perricollins @john_gough @codyL @wardandrews @andyfragen @giselleaguiar #wcphx

  • @JS_Zao @marktimemedia is that #wcphx?

  • @codyL did I miss an announcement about USA? 🙂 I saw them trying again for #wcphx. In the past they’ve been as big as #wcmia.

  • Average number of drinks per capita in the US. That tall bar on the right includes @DradCast and #wcphx attendees.

  • Nice. @cliffseal has both slides and sample plugin from his #wcphx Transients API talk. logoscreative.co/wcphx14/

  • #wcphx happened this weekend, but so did #wcparis. Nice pictures from the event: wcparis.wparmchair.com/?allimages=true

  • Good #wcphx day one roundups: lireo.com/wordcamp-phoen… web-savvy-marketing.com/2014/01/friday… torquemag.io/wordcamp-phoen…

  • Sadly missing out on @andmiddleton #wcphx talk on WordCamps. Looking forward to seeing a video or transcript.

  • Could we have a moment of silence for the brain cells that are being destroyed at the #wcphx afterparty?

  • @zgordon @marktimemedia is that @bmess wearing shades in the back? Mr. Cool? #wcphx

  • I suddendly got motivated to do something. @chrislema must be on stage at #wcphx.

  • Is the @WPwatercooler still filling up with water? Not seeing them live from #wcphx yet. 🙂

  • Armchair WordCampers: it’s a knowledge buffet at @PHXWordCamp with @williamsba @tayloraldridge @sereedmedia @nlarnold1 @jenniferbourn #wcphx

  • @bmess remind me of the banner for #wcmia 2013. #wcphx

  • Armchair WordCampers: @PHXWordCamp starts today with “Friday Foundations” workshops. You can follow via #wcphx.

  • If you’re very quiet, put your ear to the nearest window, and listen carefully… you’ll hear the commotion at #santan tonight. #wcphx

  • Being asked about WPArmchair site for #wcphx. If someone wants to ping them for permission, great. By way of respect, I don’t do it without.