
  • “When it comes to writing plugins and security, don’t trust your users and don’t trust yourself.” @jbrinley #wcorl

  • Listening to @jbrinley from @ModernTribeInc talk about writing secure plugins and themes. #wcorl

  • RT @StPeteDesign: Setting up her first blog at KidsCamp today. #wcorl

  • Looking for work/hire boards at @WordCampOrlando. #wcorl

  • “Frontend vs backend” @davidkpiano @lasergoat #wcorl

  • The sample SPA single page app for @laserairlines @davidkpiano #wcorl talk: github.com/lasergoat/word…

  • .@lasergoat @DavidKPiano talking about single page apps in WordPress. #wcorl

  • More glorious cupcake shots. I regret nothing. #wcorl

  • Awesome Minion colored shirts from @codeschool. #wcorl

  • Full house listening to @wpscholar talk about PHP classes. #wcorl

  • You know WordCamp cupcakes are good when you have to post a guard. #wcorl

  • Love these @yoast yo-yos. #wcorl

  • Nice to see @MyMainWP – great supporters of @WordCampOrlando. #wcorl

  • Check out @happytables as an example of a WordPress multisite install that has a customize admin and bring in actual $$$. #wcorl

  • Is pain something you enjoy? Then use current_user_can(‘unfiltered_html’) on your multisite network. @Taylor4484 #wcorl

  • Can’t speak for others, but when it comes to multisite networks @wpengine is on my short-list of hosts I would recommend. #wcorl

  • “The only thing worse then not having a backup is not being able to restore quickly. Pick your host carefully.” @Taylor4484 #wcorl

  • “WordPress.com has 95+ million sites on a multisite network. That’s 296,000,016+ database tables.” @Taylor4484 #wcorl

  • If you think you got WordPress multisite down, then come talk to me about BuddyPress + multisite. Bring therapy money. #wcorl

  • “WP plugins that adds theme option to any active theme allowing you to make a child theme.” wordpress.org/plugins/one-cl… @Taylor4484 #wcorl

  • “Mercator from @humanmadeltd is a WP multisite domain mapping plugin to replace sunshine.php” github.com/humanmade/Merc… @Taylor4484 #wcorl

  • .@Taylor4484 from @wpengine talking about multisite at @WordCampOrlando. #wcorl

  • “Sites on a multisite setup are like dormitories in the Hogwarts Castle. Be a good housemate & don’t trust other houses.” @taylor4484 #wcorl

  • “The uses for WordPress multisite today aren’t matching what multisite what it was originally set out to do.” @taylor4484 #wcorl

  • Interesting: Animated GIF photobooth at #wcorl. @gifnit

  • So @AdamSoucie Lego shirt might win the non-WP shirt award today at @WordCampOrlando. #wcorl

  • “Display Widget plugin allows you to hide widgets on select pages.” wordpress.org/plugins/displa… @AdamSoucie #wcorl

  • Listening to @AdamSoucie talk about Legos makes me want even more to build some sort of #wcmia playset. #wcorl

  • LIVE on #Periscope: Explaining WordPress Using LEGO Master Builder Techniques (Adam Soucie) #wcorl pscp.tv/w/aRdEHjczNzJ8…

  • Armchair WordCampers: The fun is in @WordCampOrlando this weekend w/ @AdamSoucie @fpcorso @captnsassypantz @taylor4484 @bess_auer #wcorl