
  • I want to thank my wife for giving me a few days for @WordCampOrlando. She runs a great nonprofit – check out @FndnExcellence. #wcorl

  • “Community support for multisite is small and sometimes hard to find a capable developer.” @WPSesame #wcorl

  • If you’re into WordPress multisite, check out some of WordPress 4.4’s multisite enhancements: make.wordpress.org/core/2015/10/2… #wcorl

  • If you’re trying to do a multisite network in a WordPress multisite network then you might end up like this. #wcorl

  • HyperDB WordPress plugin is an advanced DB class that supports replication and load balancing. @dpjustice wordpress.org/plugins/hyperd… #wcorl

  • “WordPress multisite is a single point of failure because it’s a single install, so calculate your risk.” @Taylor4484 #wcorl

  • Closing off @WordCampOrlando with @dpjustice @Taylor4484 @wpsesame talking about WordPress multisite. #wcorl

  • Nice talk from @studio404design about WordPress w/ non-profits and bloggers. #wcorl

  • Analytics panel in #wcorl w/ @blondishnet @mikehansenme @ChrisEdwardsCE

  • Most important word in dealing with client relationships. @sjbrinley #wcorl

  • “Be firm with clients and schedule calls – picking up whenever they call is dangerous.” @sjbrinley #wcorl

  • Heavy hitters on the #wcorl business panel: @norcross @JamesTryon @AdamSoucie @cscottmann #wcorl

  • One of the most active Happiness Bars I’ve seen on a Sunday at a WordCamp. #wcorl

  • .@davidlaietta is smart. Does @WordCampOrlando announcements while people for lunch. #wcorl

  • Great higher ed tech panel w/ @zgordon @susannajmiller @greggpollack @professorjosh #wcorl

  • Awesome to see @DesktopServer supporting @WordCampOrlando. Great product. Nice people. 🙂 #wcorl

  • “Not raising prices is losing money.” @CScottMann #wcorl

  • .@10up is everywhere. Including @WordCampOrlando with @ChrisWiegman. #wcorl

  • .@CScottMann says don’t give it (your work) away. Opposite of what the Red Hot Chili Peppers advises. youtube.com/watch?v=Mr_uHJ… #wcorl

  • “Non-profits are business too. Don’t let them persuade you to trade business for exposure.” @CScottMann #wcorl

  • #wcorl UX panel starting with @JamesTryon @Cheffheid @dsmy @paulhershey

  • “If we aren’t careful with our open source graces, we’ll be left standing around making open-source faces.” @CScottMann #wcorl

  • Guessing there’s a good reason this bathroom isn’t working. #wcorl

  • Fill the stomach before the mind. Or something like that. #wcorl

  • Current status. #wcorl

  • Happiness Bar was rockin today. #wcorl

  • Heard this today: “WordPress is helping keep PHP alive.” Must… not… react… #wcorl

  • Audience reaction when @jbrinley says that people aren’t doing basic checks for user input in their plugins. #wcorl

  • Some good examples of $wpdb->prepare in the codex: codex.wordpress.org/Class_Referenc… #wcorl

  • In coding be suspect of: – Form Input – URLs – Cookies – API responses – Your DB Basically ANYTHING submitted. @jbrinley #wcorl