
  • Listening to @tessak22 at @WordCampOrlando talking about @wp_acf. She’s also an organizer of @outspoken_women. #WCORL

  • .@WordCampOrlando always has some of the best #wapuu pins. #WCORL

  • Update: there are 9 pearler bead #Wapuu left. If you are at @WordCampOrlando and want one, here’s the link to the site that @lemonadecode talked about in her #wcorl talk (delivery tonight or tomorrow or whenever). store.lemonadecode.online/product/big-wa…

  • RT @lemonadecode: Just gave my #WCORL talk. Thank you @apcalculusabbc abd @dimensionmedia for supporting me along the way! https://t.co/Ta…

  • Here are my slides for my @WordCampOrlando talk: “The Next Generation of WordPress Users”. #wcorl davidbisset.com/wcorl2018/

  • The pros and cons of Advanced Custom Fields @wp_acf via @marktimemedia #WCORL

  • Totally forgot about Shortcake UI in #WordPress until @marktimemedia brought it up in her #WCORL talk.

  • If you are at @WordCampOrlando and interested in a pearler bead #Wapuu, then come to @lemonadecode talk in about an hour in Room 110. Yes, we are bribing to get an audience. 2018.orlando.wordcamp.org/session/how-yo… #WCORL

  • Getting ready to listen about atomic design in #Gutenberg at #WCORL. And taking a picture of @marktimemedia taking a selfie.

  • Packed room for @TheKinneyFirm at #WCORL

  • Not all hero’s wear capes, the sequel. @SomethingSoSam #WCORL

  • Armchair WordCampers: Follow sunny @WordCampOrlando this weekend w/ @lemonadecode @sunsanddesign @karalynthayer @marktimemedia @nathaningram @ChrisWiegman @TheKinneyFirm @jhned @marybaum @FrancescaMarano #wcorl

  • Not all heros wear capes. #wcorl twitter.com/SomethingSoSam…

  • “Build products that treats it’s users (and their privacy, ethics) the way you would want to be treated.” @RianKinney #WCORL

  • “Ethics transcends ideology, especially in the WordPress space. But some forego GPL, GDPR, and that isn’t right no matter what you respect.” @ChrisWiegman #WCORL

  • “Before you start a business, define what your moral standards are first.” @studio404design “This is Florida. Someone will always take a job that you refuse due to your morals.” @norcross #WCORL

  • My daughter and I are both speakers at @WordCampOrlando but her “Cosmic Jamaican Patty Monkey” beats my “Cosmic Almond Penguin”. #WCORL

  • Watching ethics/privacy panel at @WordCampOrlando at #WCORL. I’m under obligation to say if you are in this photo and want it removed, please submit a request. Or something. #GDPR #WCORL

  • “In the community, ignore the nay-sayers. But realize the hardest nay-sayer or negative one might be yourself.” @Bess_Auer #WCORL

  • Starting off @WordCampOrlando is @Bess_Auer on how to build a community with blogging. #WCORL

  • Big thanks to @WordCampOrlando sponsors, and all the sponsors supporting the WordCamps this weekend. #wcorl

  • Arrived at @WordCampOrlando. Opening remarks about to start. #WCORL

  • The reign of #Gutenberg T-shirt’s has begun. #WCORL @bluehost

  • Enjoying dinner with some fellow @WordCampOrlando folks this evening. Tacos. Thank you #WCORL.

  • Far warning: (1) I’ll be tweeting a bit from #wcorl so mute away if that suits (2) my daughter is giving her first talk, first speaker dinner, first a lot of things so I’ll be in super-proud-dad mode. It might get annoying.

  • @topher1kenobe (1) sample size is small so hard to judge (2) I see more use of WP as people graduate from HS and go into college (3) there are legit challenges for WP and next generation, hence the reason for my #wcorl talk (so your tweet as merit).

  • Heading up to @WordCampOrlando this morning. 🚙 #wcorl

  • So this Saturday @lemonadecode and myself in two separate talks will be covering #WordPress and “current/next generation” of users. Planning a livestream from @WordCampOrlando (this Sat.) for those interested. 2018.orlando.wordcamp.org/schedule/ #wcorl

  • Hypocrisy, conference slides version: To my daughter: “Try to limit yourself to one or two animated GIFs at most in your slides. Otherwise it might be tacky.” Me, in my own slides: “Time for buttloads of GIFs.” #wcorl

  • To those I don’t owe money to: I’ll be at @WordCampOrlando next month (attending, speaking, and eating). Grab your tickets and join me in avoiding my family. 2018.orlando.wordcamp.org/tickets/ #wcorl