
  • “Design patterns are a way for us to talk about code, something that’s reusable and applicable to your problems.” @carldanley #wcorl

  • RT @NmMaillet: WordCamp Orlando summoned a packed house! Check out the designers track #wcorl

  • Talking time robots and Dr. Doom. @carldanley is relating this to JavaScript in plugins. Loving it. #wcorl @10up

  • Starting off the #wcorl dev track – @carldanley talks about JavaScript in WordPress plugins.

  • .@davidlaietta kicks off #wcorl with opening remarks.

  • Armchair WordCampers: #wcorl starts in about 30 minutes. Follow tweets, photos, videos at wcorl.wparmchair.com.

  • #wcorl steady stream of folks arriving. Sold out crowd planned for today!

  • Early. Coffee… need coffee…. #wcorl

  • Oh, typical crappy hotel wifi. But this is Orlando, and hotels are so bunched together you can select wifi from the hotel next door. #wcorl

  • #wcorl speaker dinner is a lounge inside a comic shop. How awesome is that?

  • Thanks to heavy traffic on I-4 going to be late for the speakers dinner. 🙁 #wcorl

  • WordCamp Orlando starts tomorrow. Monitor photos, tweets, and video from #wcorl wcorl.wparmchair.com

  • #wcorl sold out. It was thanks to me buying last 100 tickets in an attempt to be the only one asking Q’s in @nacin @markjaquith Q&A on Sat.

  • @ci_chrisford @ChrisLema if he was going to #wcorl this weekend, i would do it in a heartbeat (that’s where i’ll be using them).

  • Here’s the attendee list for @WordCampOrlando this weekend. 2013.orlando.wordcamp.org/campers/ #wcorl

  • @JJJ mind if I cook something up myself? Really need to refer #wcorl folks to a test drive.

  • @JJJ I want to have a test NP site for #wcorl this weekend. Any chance testbp.org can be resurrected? Otherwise, i’ll improvise.

  • Have you built/discovered BuddyPress sites that are unique? Let me know – would love to feature them at WordCamp Orlando in 2 weeks. #wcorl

  • Tickets still available for WordCamp Orlando in a couple of weeks. I’ll be seeing you there. 2013.orlando.wordcamp.org #wcorl

  • Who’s attending WordCamp Orlando next month (especially those outside of Florida)? Would love to see old friends, meet new ones, etc. #wcorl

  • I’ll be speaking at WordCamp Orlando next month, which can only mean they have low standards. 2013.orlando.wordcamp.org/counselors/ #wcorl

  • @orlandowordcamp don’t you guys have a shorter hashtag like #wcorl or even #wcorlando?