
  • Thank you to those who attended my “Thinking Outside the Box w/ BuddyPress” session at #wcorl. Mainly for laughing at my bad jokes.

  • Link to @dimensionmedia slides on “Thinking Outside The Box w/ BuddyPress” #wcorl slideshare.net/dimensionmedia…

  • Here’s the url to test BuddyPress for yourself without installing it: bptestdrive.org #wcorl #bissetbot

  • BadgeOS Community Add-On (made by @webdevstudios) mentioned in my presentation: wordpress.org/plugins/badgeo… #wcorl

  • Achievements for WordPress mentioned during my presentation just now: wordpress.org/plugins/achiev… #wcorl #bissetbot

  • RIP BuddyPress Default Theme: Finally Laid to Rest in 1.9 as mentioned by @dimensionmedia #bissetbot #wcorl wptavern.com/rip-buddypress…

  • “The Best BuddyPress sites are the ones where there’s no clue BuddyPress was used.” #bissetbot #wcorl

  • Like peanut butter and chocolate, BuddyPress and WordPress now go great with each other. #wcorl #bissetbot

  • I’m starting my presentation “Thinking Outside the Box With BuddyPress” in the users track in a few minutes. Come on by! #wcorl #bissetbot

  • BuddyPress has activity streams, profile settings, friend connections, private messages (new to 1.7) theme compatibility. #bissetbot #wcorl

  • 20 free WordCamp Points(™) for anyone who took a photo of the “Anatomy of” slide. #wcorl #bissetbot

  • Handing out bingo cards at the beginning of my presentation. Let’s see how people do. #wcorl #bissetbot

  • Join me won’t you for “Thinking Outside The Box With BuddyPress” in about 20 minutes. You’ll laugh or you’ll cry. One of those. #wcorl

  • Check out all the photos from @WordCampOrlando so far: wcorl.wparmchair.com/?allimages=true #wcorl

  • .@nacin mentions possible dedicated support for few sites that have critical failures w/ auto-updates in future. Serious support! #wcorl

  • Out of half a million auto-updates, 99.997% was the success rate. @nacin #wcorl

  • WordPress auto-updates use multiple checks, and attempts to copy and upload files multiple times and it tracks that. @nacin #wcorl

  • .@nacin on auto-updates: apron. 3 out of 850,000 attempts failed because of lack of disk space. never assume they have the space. #wcorl

  • “Updates shouldn’t be a painful task.” #wcorl @nacin

  • “Say hello to my little friend.” @markjaquith on when people want to add unneeded features to your plugins. #wcorl

  • Here is a link to @markjaquith github, where is has a bunch of plugins you can look over. github.com/markjaquith #wcorl

  • Use CodeKit (OS X) for using CoffeeScript, SASS, LESS in WordPress development. @markjaquith #wcorl

  • “Put your options in an array, and write methods to access them… good for unit testing.” @markjaquith #wcorl

  • #wcorl @markjaquith talks about setting up classes for WordPress plugins and best practices. pic.twitter.com/6CV0jhiouI

  • .@AaronJHolbrook is showing us how to debug problems when you save posts. Breakpoints save your santity. #wcorl

  • Lots of @10up peeps here. @AaronJHolbrook talks about interactive debugging at #wcorl

  • Those asking about WPArmchair at #wcorl can find the current code here: github.com/dimensionmedia

  • Definitely taking a closer look at @SEOSlides thanks to @carldanley. #wcorl

  • .@carldanley talking about seoslides.com, a plugin recently invested in by @jakemgold mattreport.com/10up-jake-gold… #wcorl

  • “When coding for your WordPress plugin, break everything down to smaller pieces and apply design patterns.” @carldanley #wcorl