
  • Here’s more about the charity work – building a school in Guatemala – mentioned by @syedbalkhi wpbeginner.com/news/support-b… #wcorl

  • #wcorl business panel is about to start w/ @syedbalkhi @JamesTryon @kennethgranger @IDEASorlando

  • Those who heard my BuddyPress talk at #wcorl yesterday: read about the BuddyPress 1.9 beta now available: buddypress.org/2013/11/buddyp… #wcorl

  • Don’t forget boys and girls – view the #wcorl wackiness today via pictures, tweets, and videos at wcorl.wparmchair.com.

  • Great to see @pippinsplugins and Easy Digital Downloads at #wcorl. easydigitaldownloads.com/edd-features/

  • Go home La Quinta, you’re drunk. #wcorl

  • Bad guy @markjaquith : @dimensionmedia wins 1st place at Mario Kart Wii – he picks insane mushroom level next round. #wcorl

  • Four grown men playing Mario Wii Kart @nacin @markjaquith @norcross #wcorl

  • #wcorl After party. Party people, in the place to be…

  • Help me out here people. How many Legos? #wcorl

  • A request for a printed copy of codex. “One of the problems of the codex is that we really don’t know what’s on there.” @nacin #wcorl

  • Here’s the potential roadmap for WordPress multi-site: make.wordpress.org/core/2013/10/0… #wcorl

  • .@nacin recommends checking out WP-CLI “A command line interface for WordPress” wp-cli.org #wcorl

  • Talking about WordPress and file permissions. This plugin can check your install and show permissions: wordpress.org/plugins/wp-fil… #wcorl

  • “What’s cool is that if a experiment doesn’t work out and isn’t built into core, you can still use it as a plugin.” @nacin #wcorl

  • .@markjaquith recommends Batcache as a great WordPress cache solution. wordpress.org/plugins/batcac… #wcorl

  • The Google Authenticator plugin for WordPress gives you two-factor authentication: wordpress.org/plugins/google… #wcorl

  • Great plugin for forcing strong passwords: wordpress.org/plugins/force-… #wcorl

  • Good plugin to strengthen user security: Limit Login Attempts wordpress.org/plugins/limit-… #wcorl

  • Check out the WordPress mobile apps (iOS, Android, and more) wordpress.org/mobile/ #wcorl

  • Plugin Performance Profiler see which plugins are slowing down your site. Creates performance reports. #wcorl wordpress.org/plugins/p3-pro…

  • Plugin Performance Profiler mentioned at #wcorl wordpress.org/plugins/p3-pro… @markjaquith @nacin

  • “87% of people are using WordPress for more than just a blog. People are now using WordPress as an app framework.” @nacin #wcorl

  • “Regarding post formats pulled WP 3.6: You don’t know if something doesn’t work until it’s in front of many people.” @markjaquith #wcorl

  • “WordPress 3.8 and beyond: build features as plugins first.” Iterate quickly. Test easily. @nacin #wcorl

  • “Our sweet spot for WordPress releases could be 2 to 3 month.” @nacin #wcorl

  • .@nacin @markjaquith showing off new theme viewer in WordPress 3.8 #wcorl

  • 754,000 sites have run WordPress automatic updates, according to @nacin. #wcorl

  • Last talk of the day @nacin @markjaquith talking about state of WordPress. #wcorl

  • #wcorl has a “Kids Room” with crayons, coloring books, and fun activities. I highly recommend it. Also might be good for actual kids.