
  • “Two personalities to look for in employees: those that can be detail minded, and ones that look at the big picture.” @karimmarucchi #wcorl

  • “@crowdfavorite COO Jason Rosenbaum actually started of as our client. So look for potential employees always.” @karimmarucchi #wcorl

  • .@karimmarucchi starts off with the #wcorl keynote. And someone deleted his slides? *cough* @chrislema *cough*

  • #wcorl begins. Master of ceremonies @davidlaietta kicks it off.

  • Armchair WordCampers: Power Up with @WordCampOrlando today. @karimmarucchi @pandjarov @zgordon @thejeffmatson @MbMAcadiana @norcross #wcorl

  • I am technically awesome. I am. Shuttup. @wpbeginner #wcorl

  • . @SiteGround has awesome socks. And I have great fashion sense. #wcorl

  • New(-ish) plugin dev company @versafive have t-shirts. So therefore my instant friends. #wcorl

  • Apparently we do need the stinkin’ badges. #wcorl

  • Setting up. #wcorl

  • Up and early for #wcorl. Coffee don’t fail me now.

  • Like the look of this sushi company’s business cards. #wcorl

  • We need more WordCamp parties with sushi bars. Revolution brought to you by #wcorl.

  • Nice rooms just for conferences calls in a large coworking area. #wcorl

  • Here for the #wcorl VIP party. Great location – one large mall full of tech companies downtown.

  • Listening to @DradCast while driving to #wcorl. Yes, i’m a DradCar at the moment. Next up, the latest @applyfilters on devs in business.

  • Busy day. Speaking at @ITPalooza in Ft. Lauderdale then i’m off to the @WordCampOrlando VIP dinner in… well… Orlando. #wcorl

  • @sarcasmically not at #wcorl? you’ll be missed. i’ll go solo on the public humiliation, which is what i’ve usually done since i was six.

  • RT @WordCampOrlando: Only a few days left before #WCOrl Tickets are running out. Tell a friend to tell a friend they need to buy today! htt…

  • @davidlaietta @AdamSoucie recommendation for best pizza within a radius of #wcorl? planning ahead.

  • Nice speaker lineup for @WordCampOrlando. See you guys next month. 2014.orlando.wordcamp.org/speakers/ #wcorl

  • @marktimemedia shame i couldn’t say hi. But there’s #wcorl in Dec.

  • Hoping to see new and fresh speakers this year at @WordCampOrlando. Apply if you fit this description: 2014.orlando.wordcamp.org/speaker-submis… #wcorl

  • @davidlaietta that food truck is in Orlando too. So I expect that within distance of #wcorl in December.

  • @dustyf @jeffr0 @chrislema Sidepoint: WordCamps that are hosted at culinary schools are jackpots for attendees. #wcorl for example. Yum.

  • @sarcasmically @shaynesanderson sounds like need a tournament at a #wctpa or #wcorl after party.

  • @Tearstone i’ll check with #wcorl and #wctampa

  • Flashback to @marktimemedia #wcorl session: when someone asked a business question and we called @chrislema 3x to see if he would appear.

  • WordPress in Lego form #wcorl

  • For those who went to @WordCampOrlando this weekend – review all photos, tweets, etc. from the event at wcorl.wparmchair.com #wcorl