
  • “I don’t need to know what you are charging. I know you aren’t charging enough, because i’m still turning away work.” @karimmarucchi #wcorl

  • “When you get too much work, it’s time to raise your rates.” @CScottMann #wcorl

  • “Look for long term relationships. Ask companies and agencies how you can be a future asset.” @karimmarucchi #wcorl

  • “Hiring is all about looking for those with positive attitudes. If you have one, you’ll be in demand.” @karimmarucchi #wcorl

  • “Talent does not necessarily make a someone great team member – what does is their attitude and a love of learning.” @CScottMann #wcorl

  • “Look for clients whose passionate about their work – you’ll feed off that energy and be excited about your job.” @marktimemedia #wcorl

  • “This is controversial but if you are going to have a services business, the client is always right.” @karimmarucchi #wcorl

  • “@chrislema knows how to say no.” @karimmarucchi #wcorl

  • “Businesses in the WordPress community help and support each other instead of being secretive and competitive.” @karimmarucchi #wcorl

  • #wcorl agency panel = buttload of knowledge @davidlaietta @JamesTryon @cscottmann @karimmarucchi @marktimemedia

  • Armchair WordCampers: Get your 1UP on Day 2 of @WordCampOrlando w/ @rkoffy @jpetersen @josh412 @syedbalkhi @jeriklindgren @propelnow #wcorl

  • #wcorl brunch: when half-asleep people + mimosas = interesting conversation.

  • The #wcorl after party summary: so much food, not enough antacids.

  • Day one of @WordCampOrlando is down. Taking the IV of coffee out of my arm. #wcorl

  • Very impressed with the theme and branding of @WordCampOrlando this year. #wcorl

  • Cool. PHP_CodeSniffer sniffs your code to see if you’re conforming to WordPress coding conventions: github.com/WordPress-Codi… #wcorl

  • If you aren’t validating database queries in your code, then your quality and safety levels are at “Taco Bell” levels. @topher1kenobe #wcorl

  • Like the DMV, regular expressions are slow, painful, but required (in the context of data validation). @topher1kenobe #wcorl

  • WordPress validation functions: esc_html() esc_attr() esc_from_new_york() @topher1kenobe #wcorl

  • If you code in WordPress and don’t know about data validation, stop coding now and read: codex.wordpress.org/Data_Validation #wcorl

  • “People will always be trying to attack your site all day, every day. It’ll never stop.” @topher1kenobe is really cheery today. #wcorl

  • Great talk about support documentation from @TheJeffMatson #wcorl @inmotionhosting

  • “If you have better theme/plugin documentation then the competition, then ones will think your plugin is better too.” @TheJeffMatson #wcorl

  • “If your plugin is GPL, then you can’t legally tell clients how or where to use it.” @markjaquith #wcorl

  • .@markjaquith asked how many in the #wcorl crowd knew or used @gravityforms. But 60% raised hands.

  • If you haven’t looked at @markjaquith github page, slap yourself… …then go look at his >60 repos. github.com/markjaquith #wcorl

  • “When building plugins, never be afraid of what someone else can code or what goes into core. Don’t live in that fear.” @norcross #wcorl

  • “Plugin developers need to continually listen and adapt to the web and client’s expectations. Never stand still.” @markjaquith #wcorl

  • “The first two features you should build for a WordPress plugin is an API and an export feature.” @markjaquith #wcorl

  • “If i’m selling something, i’m making a commitment to provide support. Free items come with no such guarantees.” @norcross #wcorl