
  • Listening at @OCWordCamp now to @jancavan (a designer at @automattic) talk about how she was introduced to #WordPress and how it changed her life. #WCOC

  • This is cool (and new to me): @rleonardi hosts his resume as a side-scrolling game (via @heyilk) rleonardi.com/interactive-re… #WCOC

  • Interesting chart on levels of gamification. Gamification is overdone, i’ll admit. But developers and even conference/WordCamp organizers can apply this a little at the right times. #WCOC @heyilk

  • “Gamification improves engagement.” This is why i make my kids compete to see who gets the fresh stuff vs. leftovers for dinner. Father of the year award here I come. #WCOC

  • Poke fun at gamification, but for Sweden it worked to slow down drivers and possibly reward them with cash. wired.com/2010/12/swedis… @heyilk #WCOC

  • .@heyilk is up now at @OCWordCamp talking about gamification a non-gaming environment like the WordPress user experience. #WCOC

  • If you’re going to pull anything from @ci_chrisford talk at #WCOC is that talking to clients – even if briefly on the phone, responding to emails. etc is BILLABLE. Don’t let this turn into hours of unpaid time, lost $$$.

  • Haven’t heard about @freckle but @ci_chrisford is showcasing it’s features at @OCWordCamp and might be worth a look for small agencies, especially those that need billable time tracked. #WCOC

  • “Sorry about the blurring out of my client data in my slides, i know it looks like Cinemax censoring from the 80s.” @ci_chrisford #WCOC

  • “Searching through email and Slack is horrible. @asana is what we use – searchable plus good for lists and comment tools for client conversations.” @ci_chrisford #WCOC

  • The honorable .@ci_chrisford is tackling the subject of “Increasing Your Dexterity Score with Project Management Systems” at @OCWordCamp. #WCOC

  • “As developers we were/are culpable when it comes to treating our user’s data. Ignorance isn’t an excuse.” @norcross #WCOC

  • “If you haven’t run through your ecommerce or social site at what user data you’re storing, start. The #GDPR and privacy laws are just getting started.” @norcross #WCOC

  • “I could use more coffee.” @norcross – in the most shocking statement at @OCWordCamp, dare I say the internet. #WCOC

  • “In Europe they treat people like people, hence the creation of #GDPR. In the US we treat people like numbers.” @norcross #WCOC

  • Watching @norcross at @OCWordCamp 101 on what General Data Protection Regulation (#GDPR) means for developers #WCOC

  • .@joesimpsonjr talking at @OCWordCamp about finding a place in the WordPress community. #WCOC

  • Armchair WordCampers: @OCWordCamp is also live streaming today #WCOC youtube.com/watch?v=dCAKgW…

  • Armchair WordCampers: Follow West Coast WP fun at @ocwordcamp w/ @vegasgeek @pamannmarketing @norcross @ci_chrisford @chrislema #WCOC

  • The judges at the @ocwordcamp plugin-a-palooza look especially tough this year. #wcoc

  • .@marktimemedia talks about “ish” (bradfrost.com/demo/ish/): a viewport resizer tool. #wcoc

  • “patternlab.io allows you to build template layouts, pattern-driven user interfaces.” @marktimemedia #wcoc

  • Hope this tweet doesn’t distract @marktimemedia at #wcoc right now.

  • “Visual details are not the point of design. It’s not just about aesthetics… also speed, form factor, user prefs, etc.” @marktimemedia #WCOC

  • Last up to bat: @marktimemedia talking about responsive design at @ocwordcamp #wcoc

  • .@jgrodel recommends @Ipstenu #wcus talk on dealing with negative people and experiences in support: wordpress.tv/2016/12/11/mik… #wcoc

  • “Leave the codebase cleaner than you found it.” @jgrodel #wcoc

  • “Own up to the bad code you write. We were saving passwords in plain text. That’s bad.” @jgrodel #wcoc

  • “It’s important to manage community expectations when you take away a feature in your plugin. Document and communicate.” @jgrodel #wcoc

  • .@jgrodel up now at @ocwordcamp talking about lessons learned at @addthis regarding plugins #wcoc