
  • Leaving Orlando and heading home. Thanks to the #wco11 crew for their hard work putting on a great WordCamp.

  • Hanging out at the #WCO11 after party.

  • Spec Work. No. No. No. #wco11

  • Good sites (IMO) to locate available WordPress freelancers are jobs.wordpress.net and wphired.com. #wco11

  • Another directory to check out for WordPress developers in certain areas is wpcandy.com/pros. #wco11

  • Code Poet is a Automattic directory of WordPress professionals. codepoet.com #wco11

  • You can’t plan a website unless you know what kind of content you are dealing with. Content upfront is critical. #wco11

  • Form and function are intertwined. So is content. Important to see how different pages interact w/ other pages. Site map helps. #wco11

  • You (as a client) aren’t your own end user. #wco11

  • Define what a successful project is to a developer you are potentially hiring. We aren’t mind readers. #wco11

  • Don’t tell a contractor how to do the job (via tech goals), just come with general goals. Amen to that. #wco11

  • Damn you #wco11. I just shook off the BBQ coma, and now the sugar coma from the cookie is knocking on my door.

  • Panel for “Choosing the Best Developer or Designer”. #WCO11 twitpic.com/7nu18s

  • WordCamp Orlando 2011 is a whorehouse of knowledge. #wco11

  • The bad news about caching plugins with GUIs according to @markjaquith is that clients will find it and mess things up. #wco11

  • #wco11 @markjaquith uses Capistrano for deployment. Here’s the learn more link: bit.ly/o24ro7

  • Shaking off the BBQ slumber for @markjaquith talk on “Scaling, Servers & Deploys”. #WCO11 twitpic.com/7nsweh

  • Here’s the official “How-To” on contributing to WordPress guide, even if you don’t code: bit.ly/jC1bwR #wco11

  • Wall of code w/ @jakemgold. #WCO11 twitpic.com/7nsd67

  • TinyMCE is not a rapper. #wco11

  • Learning alot from @jakemgold about modifying allowed post tags in the WP editor. Goldmine of info here. #wco11

  • Various solutions for editing the visual editor. Assign a general css file, and you can style based on post type. #wco11

  • WP shortcodes along are not intuitive solutions for special features. and are not discoverable. @jakemgold #wco11

  • Attending @jakemgold presentation on editing the visual WP editor. #WCO11 twitpic.com/7nrzks

  • I believe there was a #wco11 conspiracy. The location of the BBQ lunch was a secret. Had to resort to following the smell.

  • Seeing more people using physical notebooks at #wco11 than any other WordCamp. Other wise Macs and iPads glore.

  • Bill Erickson’s Migration list in #wco11 developer track was mentioned. Here’s the url: bit.ly/anFRzD

  • If you have a “super secret URL” for your WP backend, you might not want to mention it exists beforehand. #justsayn #WCO11

  • A look at the Salon WordPress backend. #WCO11 twitpic.com/7nqfya

  • Salon has an “Inception Editor” (an editor within an editor). I’m getting out my spinning top just to make sure i’m not dreaming. #wco11