
  • Armchair WordCampers: Follow WP in NYC ASAP… (YOLO?) with @andreazoellner @schlessera @crisconinja @coreymaass @halfempty @larryswanson @DavidWolfpaw @marybaum @andrewschulkind @cicichirinos at @wordcampnyc #wcnyc

  • Armchair WordCampers – Follow WP goodness in Big Apple w/ @WordCampNYC & @jeckman @jhinson @mirigoldman @gelform @jeffmulholland @helenhousandi @emaildano #wcnyc

  • Armchair WordCampers: WP in the Big Apple! @wordcampnyc w/ @jeckman @Ipstenu @studio404design @boone @BruceChamoff @miss_jwo #wcnyc

  • “WordPress cares about our users and user data and that’s the reason why backwards compatibility is important.” @boone #wcnyc

  • “When you over engineer in code, people start using that complexity, and once they start it’s very difficult to take it away.” @boone #wcnyc

  • Test drive plugins in staging, not production. In case it leads to database fragmentation or physical files left behind. @ramiabraham #wcnyc

  • “Code bloat is bad. Example: Later i’m eating a entire pizza and i’m going to be slow. I’m willing to pay that price.” @ramiabraham #wcnyc

  • Well if this doesn’t prove @aaronjorbin point about SEO consultants, i don’t know what does. #wcnyc

  • “lovelyui.com is a collection of mobile UI elements.” @saracannon #wcnyc

  • As any Star Trek fan will advice: don’t let antipatterns and patterns touch. Better yet, just don’t have antipatterns. @aaronjorbin #wcnyc

  • WordPress has a bill of rights. Wix just has a bill. @aaronjorbin #wcnyc

  • SHOTS FIRED. “SEO consultants are the Ferengi of the WordPress world.” @aaronjorbin #wcnyc

  • “I evaluate RFPs in part based on the level of effort they’re going to take. Small businesses need to pick their battles.” @jeckman #wcnyc

  • “Influence the advisers. There’s a whole web dev community that often has out-of-date/inaccurate opinions about WordPress.” @jeckman #wcnyc

  • “WordCamps now have biz tracks, but I’d argue majority of community still thinks about problems from a tech perspective.” @jeckman #wcnyc

  • “We need to be better at speaking to biz audiences outside WordCamp context about the value that WordPress brings to them.” @jeckman #wcnyc

  • “@Drupal was forked into @backdropcms and their guiding philosophy lines up closely to WordPress philosophy.” @jeckman #wcnyc

  • RT @diegopalma: A tinder for font pairing fontflame.com #wcnyc

  • “Bringing WP into the enterprise doesn’t mean we should make WordPress into enterprise software. Enterprise software sucks.” @jeckman #wcnyc

  • “2 ways WordPress spreads into enterprise: the side door & official channels. The latter is starting to happen right now.” @jeckman #wcnyc

  • “We take pride in WordPress being 24.9% of the web, but if you talk to people in enterprise it’s like WP doesn’t exist.” @jeckman #wcnyc

  • “Look at PSR standards you can see where the future of PHP is being established in there.” @wonderboymusic #wcnyc

  • “At the @nytimes we write WordPress theme files in Mustache.” @wonderboymusic #blessed #dark #wonderbreadboy #wcnyc

  • “In development and coding, the worst case scenario should be your default use case.” @wonderboymusic #wcnyc

  • “Comment permalinks were designed pretty weirdly. In WordPress 4.4, there are some huge improvements.” @wonderboymusic #wcnyc

  • “WordPress has alot of technical debt. We need to be aware of how we’re transitioning older code into modern day.” @wonderboymusic #wcnyc

  • “letsencrypt.org from Mozilla is making SSL free, automated, and open.” @wonderboymusic #wcnyc

  • “Goal for WordPress 4.4: Close as many tickets as possible. We’re at 3k but w/o gardening that total could be 4700+” @wonderboymusic #wcnyc

  • “Many volunteer their time for WordPress. They come home from their day jobs and instead of watching TV they code.” @wonderboymusic #wcnyc

  • Kudos to @WordCampNYC for providing live captioning for their tracks. nyc.wordcamp.org/2015/2015/10/3… #wcnyc