
  • “7 out of 10 consumers would opt out of sharing their data with retailers if given the option. Sales doesn’t influence, they have what they need at the close of the sale.” @topher1kenobe #WCLDN

  • “The ability to try on items in-store (like a shirt) is 3x more influential then other in-store purchase considerations.” @topher1kenobe #WCLDN

  • .@topher1kenobe at @WordCampLondon talking about top 5 things that influence a Get-Z Shopper. Highest: seeing the brand on Amazon and their website. #WCLDN

  • .@michaelburridge now talking about @GraphQL with #WordPress at Track C at @WordCampLondon #WCLDN

  • .@sarahsemark is up on Track B at @WordCampLondon talking about teaching a computer to design a website. #WCLDN

  • “Security is everyone’s responsibility. That means you, not you thinking ‘everyone’ means ‘someone else but me.’” @tnash #WCLDN

  • 👉🏻Custom code is solely your responsibility, you can’t hand it over to security people. GET IT RIGHT. 👉🏻 Never rely on a WAF. 👉🏻 Always check endspoints for SQL injections.” @tnash #WCLDN

  • “Always keep things up to date. Never rely on themes licenses to get bundled #WordPress plugins.” @tnash #WCLDN

  • “What’s the worst that can happen to the sites you manage if they are hacked? For some: kids personal info can be stolen, even online pacemakers can be accessed.” @tnash #WCLDN

  • .@yvettesonneveld is up now at @WordCampLondon talking about sales funnels. #WCLDN

  • Armchair WordCampers: @WordCampLondon livestream URLS updated. Track A: youtube.com/watch?v=7VHXrM… Track B: pscp.tv/w/1DXxyNmOglPKM Track C: youtube.com/channel/UCNe-O… #WCLDN

  • Whatever coffee @tnash took before his @WordCampLondon talk – I want some. ☕ #WCLDN

  • “How many people have their #WordPress password the same as their email password? Don’t 🙌🏻”. @tnash #WCLDN

  • “Design is the process, not the outcome.” @zetaraffix #WCLDN

  • @WordCampLondon folks: If anyone wants to be angel and pick up a #Wapuu pin or shirt at #WCLDN and then bring that to #WCUS and price gauge me I wouldn’t be opposed to it.

  • “Thoughts aren’t real, what makes it feel real is the intention we bring to it. If we can’t tell the difference between what’s real or not managing emotions is difficult.” @zetaraffix #WCLDN

  • Up next at @WordCampLondon: @zetaraffix is talking about “Mindful Design: Designing with Presence for Purpose and Inclusion” #WCLDN

  • Even if you aren’t understanding the #JavaScript code @zgordon is sharing at @WordCampLondon you can see how flexible #Gutenberg can be in #WordPress. #WCLDN

  • Some of the actions that you can dispatch with the #WordPress Data API. #JavaScript @zgordon #WCLDN

  • .@zgordon at @WordCampLondon right now with #JavaScript and #WordPress Data API: “We are passing functions into functions to create new functions.” #WCLDN I think my brain is melting out my ear right now.

  • What’s maybe more important when building sites for users: the who but also the why: “what are the person’s needs and solutions they want solved?” @piccia #WCLDN

  • “We can access global variables in the browser console through wp.data, although you can break WordPress by overwriting it 😄 ”. @zgordon #WCLDN

  • A sampling of the information that the #WordPress DATA API provides. #JavaScript @zgordon #WCLDN

  • .@Piccia has a great opening slide for her @WordCampLondon talk on “UX For Everyone”. #WCLDN

  • Up next: @zgordon on the new #WordPress Redux Based Data API. “It changes everything – we are moving from WP queries into state management systems in #JavaScript.” #WCLDN

  • “What happens when a problem seems to too large? Break it down into smaller issues, and get more feedback.” @remkusdevries #WCLDN

  • “At @yoast different employees can contribute in different ways. Not all see the strategic decision of a feature or product, but they don’t have to. They can still be involved and help.” @remkusdevries #WCLDN

  • “We need a ‘benevolent dictator for life’ or a small governance group that can look beyond the current problem into the future. Not everyone can see the long term picture.” @remkusdevries #WCLDN

  • “We at @yoast work with the local community regardless if they use #WordPress or not. We approach solutions by using a variety of people on our team, not just one software dev.” @remkusdevries #WCLDN

  • Nice question from @JosephaHaden: “How do you determine the next steps of a project?” “You need alot of different type of people (doers, thinkers) to get more 👀 on the projects to get info.” @remkusdevries #WCLDN