
  • My collection of animated GIFs from @WordCampLondon. davidbisset.com/animated-gifs-… #WCLDN

  • Thanks to @WordCampLondon for putting forth efforts for the livestream. Wish more camps did this, and kudos to the #WCLDN team for a 👍🏻 event. Hope to see someone at @wordcampmiami in the near future. 🙏🏻

  • “The partnership stops when it stops serving your business goal. Be honest with them – openness in a timely manner is the key.” @DachevaRadost from @SiteGround #WCLDN

  • “When developing limited personal partnerships, try to avoid automatic tools – they tend to be not personal and you forget the value of client time.” @DachevaRadost from @SiteGround #WCLDN

  • .@Tarendai is showing off how to push using functions.php. Also ‘Configuring HTTP2 Push with WordPress’ responsivedesign.is/articles/confi… #WCLDN

  • “Your contact with a company might not have the authority to approve your partnership but they have the single authority to kill it. So mind their ego.” @DachevaRadost from @SiteGround #WCLDN

  • “The #WordPress market is saturated – you need to present data and numbers to get people and companies to notice your product.” @DachevaRadost from @SiteGround #WCLDN

  • “If you want your product to embrace the product you need to communicate the value of that product to your customers.” @DachevaRadost from @SiteGround #WCLDN

  • RT @schlessera: Here are the slides for the talk I just presented at #WCLDN this morning: schlessera.github.io/wcldn-2019/

  • Preloading with HTTP headers developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web… @Tarendai #WCLDN

  • “Browser doesn’t have to finish loading the HTML page: we can preload or prefetch assets with link tags.” @Tarendai #WCLDN

  • “If you’re just starting out making business partners, start with the same geographical market first… pursue new markets when you get more experienced.” @DachevaRadost from @SiteGround #WCLDN

  • The subject of HTTP/2 now being tackled at @WordCampLondon by @Tarendai #WCLDN

  • .@dachevaradost up now at @WordCampLondon about establishing business partnerships: “#WordPress makes this easy thanks to the transparency of the community.” #WCLDN

  • To look for remote jobs: remoteintech.com/company Communities for remote workers: weworkremotely.com remote.io @luminus #WCLDN

  • I think (again) @schlessera wins “Best Hair” for @WordCampLondon this year. 🏆 #WCLDN

  • How to get started with @schlessera #WordPress plugin boilerplate: modernwp.dev/plugin-boilerp… (up soon) alainschlesser.com/plugin-boilerp… GitHub.com/mwpd #WCLDN

  • Now up on @WordCampLondon: @luminus talking about remote work and how working remotely at @automattic is like. #WCLDN

  • .@schlessera outlines how the plugin boilerplate can be created. “Composer can ask you questions and it can assemble it for you. WP-CLI and web based form will also be options.” #WCLDN

  • “Views separate presentation from logic and can be overwritten by the theme but the theme can’t change the data.” @schlessera #WCLDN

  • “Rule #1 of selling marketing funnels: don’t talk about selling marketing funnels.” @Mike_Killen #WCLDN

  • “Dependency injection – concept passing dependencies from outside code instead of fetching them from within the code that needs them.” @schlessera #WCLDN

  • “Making the simple complicated is commonplace; making the complicated simple, awesomely simple, that’s creativity.” quoted by @Just2Ronald #WCLDN

  • File layout for plugin boilerplate: (1) Single Bootstrap file (2) classes regrouped in /src (3) recommendations from GitHub.com/php-pds/skelet… @schlessera #WCLDN

  • “Exceptions are a transport mechanism where an error conditions occurs to the earliest place that can handle this error condition.” @schlessera #WCLDN

  • “#WordPress documentation is completely unreliable when it comes to type information. Type-hinting avoids type related bugs.” @schlessera #WCLDN

  • .@just2ronald at @WordCampLondon right now on publishing and promoting new content. “Small businesses have challenges creating new content.” #WCLDN

  • Up now at @wordcamplondon: inside a product manager’s toolbox with @franzvitulli #WCLDN

  • Up now at @WordCampLondon: @schlessera showing off a new #WordPress plugin boilerplate. #WCLDN

  • Armchair WordCampers: Day two of @WordCampLondon is being live-streamed now: Track A: pscp.tv/w/1YqGojeRElEKv Track B: pscp.tv/w/1OyKApMgAkoxb Track C: pscp.tv/w/1yNGavaBAYvJj #WCLDN