
  • “What doesn’t change: people who want to sell, want to buy… …What does: people’s expectations. Their tolerance of the friction it takes to do the things they want to do.” Pay attention to your customers. @nerrad #WCEU #WCEU2022

  • “#Gutenberg and full site editing in #WordPress provides a common language so people can focus on building.” @nerrad #WCEU #WCEU2022

  • “We are still in a transition” says @nerrad. “With #Gutenberg we are seeing a shift where the first experience for #WordPress stores and sites is #nocode without losing the customizing factor.” #WCEU #WCEU2022

  • .@nerrad at @WCEurope: “The meaning of SIMPLE has CHANGED since 2003 when #WordPress was launched…. in the early days people were used to more friction to bring their creations to the internet.” #WCEU #WCEU2022

  • .@nerrad touching a little bit on the “#WordPress easy to use” conversation. “Possible to build exactly what you want, but not simple to do so.” #WCUE #WCEU2022

  • @webkindaguy at @WCEurope on agency side issues: “Traps to fall into: making a proposal that gets you the job, maybe not the perfect fit for client. You also get locked into the specs.” #WCEU #WCEU2022

  • Buckle up, #WordPress kiddies. @nerrad at @WCEurope now talking future of Commerce and what it could look like with Full Site Editing (FSE). #WCEU #WCEU2022

  • If “agile marketing” is your bread and butter then @webkindaguy at @WCEurope is about to deliver you a tasty #WCEU sandwich. #WCEU2022

  • Hosting companies & developers need to be aware of building for performance. “Unfort. metrics at scale show performance in WP isn’t doing so well right now so there’s a lot to do.” @felixarntz #WCEU #WCEU2022

  • “#WordPress performance is a marathon, not a sprint. More important than surpassing commercial CMS is the experience for the users big or small.” Notice 2023 and 2024 years on the slide. @felixarntz #WCEU #WCEU2022

  • A WP plugin checker tool is being proposed. Great potential here for those having concerns about performance in #WordPress plugins. @felixarntz – link to proposal? #WCEU #WCEU2022

  • “Using modern image formats is the single performance enhancement with the GREATEST impact in improving web performance in #WordPress.” @felixarntz #WCEU #WCEU2022

  • I like how @visanju ON PURPOSE uses a bad contrast slide at @WCEurope to make his point during his accessibly talk. Raise your hand if you’ve seen your fair share of bad constrast conference slides. ✋🏻 #WCEU #WCEU2022

  • The Performance Lab plugin is a collection of modules focused on enhancing performance of your site, most of which should eventually be merged into #WordPress core. wordpress.org/plugins/perfor… @felixarntz #WCEU #WCEU2022

  • Goals for the #WordPress performance team: 👉🏻 improve core performance so it migrates to all sites eventually 👉🏻 facilitate decision making based on metrics 👉🏻 raise performance awareness in the ecosystem. @felixarntz #WCEU #WCEU2022

  • Most common performance problems in #WordPress sites. Images and JavaScript are the biggest low-hanging fruit, and what the performance team first focused on. #WCEU #WCEU2022

  • “This is where we as a #WordPress project certainly need to have performance a priority. As a start, the WordPress Performance team was officially formed.” @felixarntz #WCEU #WCEU2022

  • Controlled stack + limited ecysystem + company-operated = performance. @felixarntz #WCEU #WCEU2022

  • “Another reason why proprietary CMS do better at performance: they come with their own CDN.“ #WordPress as a whole obviouslly doesn’t @felixarntz #WCEU #WCEU2022

  • “Proprietary CMS have detailed and lengthy approval processes that make it almost unfeasible for some individual contributor to make just any (bad performance) extension.” @felixarntz #WCEU #WCEU2022

  • “Proprietary CMS lead performance over #opensource because they use a controlled stack and have a limited extension ecosystem.” @felixarntz #WCEU #WCEU2022

  • #WordPress is still the fastest growing OPEN SOURCE CMS but the commercial ones are growing faster (Duda small amunt, hence the high %). @felixarntz #WCEU #WCEU2022

  • Interesting numbers from @felixarntz on CMS performance improvements. #WordPress has improved a bit but Wix has had a massive 970% jump since March 2020. #WCEU #WCEU2022

  • Time to talk #WordPress performance on stage one at #WCEurope w/ @felixarntz, who is a member of the official WP performance team. #WCEU #WCEU2022

  • Accessiblity time. On stage two now at @WCEurope: @visanju explains what color contrast is and the current/future #a11y standards. #WCEU #WCEU2022

  • When it comes to working for #WordPress companies, don’t worry about working and then moving on if it’s not a good fit. “Fail fast, move on to learn.” @pbearne #WCEU #WCEU2022

  • Armchair WordCampers can get their #WordPress on and watch the last day of @WCEurope via the livestream: Track 1 youtube.com/watch?v=Qq1SBF… Track 2 youtube.com/watch?v=Da1Jmi… #WCEU #WCEU2022

  • Good breakdown from @pbearne at @WCEurope on the pros and cons of working for a corporation in the #WordPress space. It might be more stable with ebenefits, but often it’s hierarchical and constrainted. #WCEU #WCEU2022

  • Up now on stage 2 at @WCEurope – @pbearne discusses the “#WordPress lifestyle”… practices, methods, pay, benefits. #WCEU #WCEU2022

  • Live now at @WCEurope stage 1: @vasvalch on building data-driven content personas. #WCEU #WCEU2022