
  • RT @andrea_r: Fan of WordCamps? Check out the bags in my shop made from conference tshirts, buff.ly/1tv5TrR #wcsf #wcbos #wcus #wc…

  • Armchair WordCampers: Plethora of WP knowledge in @wordcampboston w/ @bobbiec @williampd @mtoppa @scottwyden @professor @michaeldcain #wcbos

  • Love #wcbos logo, but the secret message is that “Yes, Barney was created in a lab.”

  • Breaking at #wcbos: @nacin announces WordPress 4.0 distraction free mode has been so improved, it makes your family vanish when turned on.

  • Tools for checking accessibility of websites: wave.webaim.org achecker.ca/checker/index.… cynthiasays.com #wcbos h/t @sheabaker

  • Recommend @10up coder @tlovett12 slides if you want a quick overview of the WordPress JSON REST API: slideshare.net/tlovett1/the-j… #wcbos

  • 13 Vagrant Resources for WordPress Development wptavern.com/13-vagrant-res… #wcbos

  • Great tutorial and video on getting started with WP-CLI: trepmal.com/2014/02/22/get… #wcbos

  • Armchair WordCampers: @WordCampBoston has got moves like Jagger this weekend w/ @solchica @nacin @tlovett12 @christinainge @jonheller #wcbos

  • @zigorzag @wpengine perhaps @WordCampBoston should request a WPArmchair setup? 🙂 #wcbos

  • WordCampers of the Armchair can also almost NSA-like spy on @WordCampBoston Day 2 w/ @EricMann @JJJ @add_action_dan @gnarf #wcbos

  • Armchair WordCampers, start monitoring @WordCampBoston today w/ @mt_Suzette @ChrisFerdinandi @jakemgold @nacin @stevenkword #wcbos

  • Looking at photos from #wccbus and #wcbos, I conclude we need a photo blog dedicated to WordCamp food. Burp.

  • Big weekend for armchair WordCampers. Boston #wcbos, Columbus #wccbus, and Edinburgh #wordcampuk #wpuk.