@zgordon is there someone talking BP at #wcatl?
@EvanVolgas @MisfitIdeas another source: wcatl.wparmchair.com/?allimages=true #wcatl
Great photos out of @wordcampatl so far. wcatl.wparmchair.com/?allimages=true #wcatl
Let’s start the #wcatl twitter spam early… who wants some Viagra child themes?
@scottbaker @codeguard can’t tell if meant to say “shirt” or not. #wcatl
See photos/tweets/videos of @wordcampatl via WPArmchair site: http://wcatl.wparmchair.com #wcatl
Armchair WordCampers can follow day 1 of @wordcampatl w/ @NaomiCBush @DesireeScales @cliffseal @syedbalkhi @saddington @davidlaietta #wcatl
RT @wordcampmiami: #wcmia #wcatl
Armchair WordCampers: Don’t forget it’s day two of #wcatl @wordcampatl
So #wcmia sold out while @syedbalkhi was giving his #wcatl presentation. That’s how much power he has, people.
Please someone start heckling @syedbalkhi presentation and tell him to go back to planning #wcmia. #wcatl @davidlaietta
Achievement Unlocked: Whorehouse of Knowledge for #wcatl.
RT @wanetamc: LESS AND SASS are like… Haha, great visual!! #wcatl
#wcatl attendees: have to ask – any livestreaming going on?
Armchair WordCampers can start monitoring WordCamp Atlanta today #wcatl @wordcampatl