
  • “A powerful motivator to get something done is to make a public deadline.” @nataliemac #wcatl

  • I’m hungry so @ambitionally company logo looks like a dropped ice cream cone. @NathLussier #wcatl

  • “Our collaboration together as a couple on our business hasn’t effected our sex life.” @NathLussier #wcatl Uh, good to know.

  • “Having alleys and people on your team will help you make a better product that you doing it alone.” @nathlussier #wcatl

  • .@nathlussier told her husband “I’m making more money than you, quit your job and work for me.” #wcatl

  • “Raise your hand if you’re an introvert.” @nathlussier I can’t raise my hand BECAUSE i’m an introvert. #wcatl

  • Never register for a conference drunk (that’s not my Twitter). #wcatl

  • When a conference keynote speaker remembers “way back” when she was “12 getting a computer with internet”, you feel old. #wcatl

  • “If you know one more thing than someone else, you can help them at a WordCamp. Regardless how new you are.” @judiknight #wcatl

  • Almost ready for #wcatl.

  • Armchair WordCampers: @wordcampatl is happening now w/ @cliffseal @tommcfarlin @jennymunn @cqburris @tom_tortorici @CalEvans #wcatl

  • Just did my first @periscopeco from @wordcampatl. No idea yet how to share them on Twitter. #wcatl

  • Oh boy. @mailchimp is giving away beanies and playing cards. #wcatl

  • Arrived at @wordcampatl. #wcatl

  • C o f f e e . . . #wcatl

  • Hanging out with @judiknight @rabellcreative @slacktronic @Josh412 at @ammazzehq. These folks share my love of pizza and carbs. #wcatl

  • I’ve never said no to a pizza, and not intending to start now. ammazza.com at 6:45. @judiknight @cliffseal @josh412 #wcatl

  • .@wordcampatl folks that I follow on Twitter – where are people going for dinner tonight? or recommend a good eating hole? #wcatl

  • @mattmedeiros @tommcfarlin @d_espi well, at least this makes my live #wcatl tweets more interesting and challenging.

  • If you are attending your first @wordcampatl, read these guides: torquemag.io/expect-first-w… carriedils.com/wordcamp-tips/ #wcatl

  • Hotel room not ready, so wondering around mid-town Atlanta looking for a place for early lunch. #wcatl

  • Heading to Atanta tomorrow for @wordcampatl. Let me know if anyone wants to do lunch (staying about 2 miles from the venue). #wcatl

  • FYI: A few WordCamp Atlanta tickets just became available: atlanta.wordcamp.org/2015/tickets/ #wcatl

  • Sympathize w/ #wcatl on difficulty of securing WordCamp venues. I know how hard it is dealing w/ sellout events. ow.ly/JHvR1

  • WordCamp Atlanta tickets on sale. Going fast. It will be my first @wordcampatl. atlanta.wordcamp.org/2015/tickets #wcatl

  • @cdils awesome. ping me if you plan on coming to #wcatl or @loopconf.

  • #wcatl stats for wcatl.wparmchair.com: 1600 tweets, 375 photos wcatl.wparmchair.com

  • #wcatl sounded like a blast. Definitely going next year if it doesn’t overlap #wcmia.

  • Armchair WordCampers can see live photos/tweets from @wordcampatl at wcatl.wparmchair.com. #wcatl

  • Armchair WordCampers: Day 2 of @wordcampatl is on like Donkey Kong w/ @perezbox @saracannon @obenland #wcatl