
  • Bedrock: a modern WordPress stack that gets you started with tools & project structure. roots.io/bedrock @Josh412 #wcatl

  • LIVE on #Periscope: WordCamp Atlanta 2015 – Josh Pollock (Sneak Peak) #wcatl pscp.tv/w/VvgihDczNzJ8…

  • Good point: the WordPress plugin and theme admin is a dependency system. @Josh412 #wcatl

  • Really cool that #wcatl deeper developer sessions are full. @Josh412

  • Hey it’s @josh412 talking about using Composer for WordPress development. #wcatl

  • Three form plugins I would recommend: wordpress.org/plugins/contac… ninjaforms.com gravityforms.com #wcatl

  • #wcatl happiness bar in full swing.

  • Really loving the @CodeGuard tshirts at #wcatl.

  • LIVE on #Periscope: Talking with CodeGuard #wcatl pscp.tv/w/VvgUGzczNzJ8…

  • Lunch. Eat all the things (in reasonable portions) #wcatl

  • .@tommcfarlin mentions themereview.co as a WordPress theme reviewing service. #wcatl

  • Plugin for Sublime Text 2 to format PHP code to meet the WordPress Coding Standards github.com/welovewordpres… @tommcfarlin #wcatl

  • @markjaquith I’ll have to ask #wcatl folks. Can’t spell jack but I can spell my Twitter handle. Search/replace fail?

  • Here’s where to find the WordPress Coding Standards: codex.wordpress.org/WordPress_Codi… @tommcfarlin #wcatl

  • Unlike having children, coding standards can prevent surprises and prolong (application) lifetime. @tommcfarlin #wcatl

  • Dangers of ignoring standards. @tommcfarlin #wcatl

  • “I’ve never know people to sit down with complex code w/o code standards and not say a 4 letter word.” @tommcfarlin #wcatl

  • “Coding standards teach us how to read better code and write better code.” @tommcfarlin #wcatl

  • “Coding standards set an expectation of how it will be coded. We need to have other people in mind when we code.” @tommcfarlin #wcatl

  • If you are a coder, then check out devpractic.es by @tommcfarlin and laugh (or cry) a little. #wcatl

  • Up next: @tommcfarlin on “Following WordPress Coding Standards”. #wcatl

  • .@cliffseal addresses a packed room. Not seeing a free cookies Cliff was promising. #wcatl

  • “Just because the WordPress admin is better than most, it doesn’t mean it can’t be complicated. You can remove some fear.” @cliffseal #wcatl

  • Great shoutout to “The Emperor’s New Groove” in @cliffseal #wcatl talk.

  • Those are liking @cliffseal #wcatl talk should check out his @github account: github.com/logoscreative

  • “Nobody reads the news on the WordPress dashboard.” #wcatl @cliffseal

  • .@cliffseal wants some users to remove their tool menus. #wcatl

  • Over-capacity room for @cliffseal talk about the WordPress admin. #wcatl

  • Always nice to see @wordcampmiami shirts at other conferences. 🙂 #wcatl #wcmia

  • This is unsafe driving! 🙂 #wcatl