
  • Two general purpose plugins recommended by @tom_tortorici: @Backup_Buddy ithemes.com/purchase/backu… wordpress.org/plugins/simple… #wcatl

  • “Users will decide if your site is what they are looking for within seconds of visiting your site.” @cliffseal #wcatl

  • As a designer, there’s nothing else to hear worse from a client then for them to say: “Make everything stand out.” #wcatl

  • Apparently in order to be a designer, at least on this design panel, you have to own at least one cat. #wcatl

  • Starting off 2nd day of #wcatl with design panel: @JillLynnDesign @tom_tortorici @cliffseal

  • Finally got to meet @NaomiCBush in the flesh at the #wcatl speaker dinner. Woot!

  • Hey #wcatl folks – let’s thank the @wordcampatl coordinators and volunteers for their hard work putting on a great #wcatl today.

  • “Don’t be intimated by the fear of failure. Just go out there and do your project.” @Krogsgard #wcatl

  • Here’s where you can find @pippinsplugins financial transparent info that @Krogsgard mentioned at #wcatl: pippinsplugins.com/2014-review/

  • “Offload things (like taxes and accounting) that you suck at.” @Krogsgard #wcatl

  • So far @post_status has 250 members. Not bad. @Krogsgard #wcatl

  • “When you create content for paid sites, don’t be distracted by things that make you lose focus.” @Krogsgard #wcatl

  • Stripe is great. But 80% of my subscribers currently use Paypal. I’m worried about renewals. PayPal might screw them up.” @Krogsgard #wcatl

  • If you want to do a membership site in WordPress, read up n these solutions. @Krogsgard #wcatl

  • Somewhere @chrislema just smiled. @Krogsgard #wcatl

  • 180+ people out of 200 members of @post_status are on a dedicated @slackhq channel. @Krogsgard #wcatl

  • “If things keep going on pace, i’ll be making $85k from @post_status by the end of the year.” @Krogsgard #wcatl

  • “My expensive plan is partly there to make my cheaper subscription plan more appealing.” @Krogsgard #wcatl

  • LIVE on #Periscope: A few minutes of Brian Krogsgard at #wcatl pscp.tv/w/Vvg_FzczNzJ8…

  • You would think @Krogsgard has been speaking for years. He’s killing it at #wcatl.

  • How to Monetize your blog: Memberships, Donations, Products, Partners, Affiliate, Events, Ads @Krogsgard #wcatl

  • . @post_status has made $60k+ in the past 2 months. @Krogsgard #wcatl

  • LIVE on #Periscope: Brian Krogsgard at WordCamp Atlanta #wcatl pscp.tv/w/Vvg9HzczNzJ8…

  • Last talk of the day: @Krogsgard talks about @post_status #wcatl

  • Good resource to look at for an example of more complex Backbone applications. @roundearth #wcatl github.com/adamsilverstei…

  • . @roundearth has the same passion for Backbone as I have for deep dish pizza. #wcatl

  • My daughter gave her @mailchimp beanie to her stuffed bunny. #wcatl

  • Getting some Backbone with @roundearth at #wcatl (and yes @10up is still hiring)

  • Guess which tray had to be refilled. #wcatl

  • When @Krogsgard sits next to you at #wcatl – which reminds you that you need to sign up for @post_status club. And you do.