
  • “Hello darkness my old friend.” me to the ☕ this morning. #coffee #WCATL

  • Ordering pizza in Atlanta. Dipping sauce varieties are nice but check out the last one. Strawberry? No sir. No. #wcatl

  • Ace Hardware is having a conference in my hotel. Might explain why 5 minutes ago there wasn’t a desk in my room. #wcatl

  • I have arrived. @wordcampatl #WCATL

  • I’ll be attending @wordcampatl and i haven’t gotten a hotel room yet. Got a reason, but still. This should be fun. #wcatl

  • RT @Josh412: Free ☕️ at #WCATL and #WCMIA + Divi Layout Packs & More Fun Free Stuff From @calderaforms j.mp/2mTXmPk https://t.co…

  • @tommcfarlin #wcatl is close to joining #wcmia in the 1000+ club!

  • Armchair WordCampers: Follow @wordcampatl this weekend w/ @Ipstenu @tsperiasamy @SpinBird @areimann @nancythanki @moremallie @rzen #wcatl

  • Posting pictures from this past @wordcampatl #wcatl davidbisset.com/pictures-from-…

  • Driving home from #wcatl. First WordCamp outside Miami that my wife attended. Already hoping @wordcampatl falls on spring break next year.

  • You know it’s a WordPress conference when you hear a debate about minimum PHP versions for WP installs in the restroom. #wcatl

  • Managed to pick up a vintage @wordcampatl shirt for my kid. Thanks #wcatl.

  • Sadly, i’m departing #wcatl shortly. Had a great time and big props to the @wordcampatl people for putting on a great event.

  • Those in the #wcatl plugin session: check out @tommcfarlin @DevinVinson WordPress Plugin boilerplate: github.com/DevinVinson/Wo…

  • If you want a good plugin to look at to learn, check out the User Switching plugin from @johnbillion wordpress.org/plugins/user-s… #wcatl

  • “My favorite WordPress API is the database API, connects to dbs outside of WordPress: codex.wordpress.org/Database_API “ @NaomiCBush #wcatl

  • “If you are modifying WordPress core, you shouldn’t be programming.” @mikeschinkel #wcatl

  • “We use mu-plugins with custom themes for our enterprise clients.” @mikeschinkel #wcatl

  • “Half of @woocommerce extensions are done in-house.” @BFTrick #wcatl

  • If you like what you hear from @NaomiCBush in the #wcatl plugin panel, check out her Github page: github.com/naomicbush

  • “Being on the WordPress repo has both a blessing but it’s reviews and knowing your clients can be a challenge.” @NaomiCBush #wcatl

  • . @naomnibush talking about her Stripe @gravityforms plugin at #wcatl. wordpress.org/plugins/gravit…

  • Plugin panel is a rock’n with @mikeschinkel @naomnibush @bftrick @rfair #wcatl

  • Many designers on the internet are jerks. Explain things better to clients other than “Listen to me, i’m right.” @cliffseal #wcatl

  • “Landing pages are more appealing if they are structured like your home page vs page of text.” @tom_tortorici #wcatl

  • Good tools for testing responsive websites in multiple browsers: browserstack.com responsivetest.net #wcatl

  • Chrome extension for resizing your viewport for responsive mobile testing: chrome.google.com/webstore/detai… #wcatl

  • “Sliders on sites have been replaced with big huge images. Just another trend.” @cliffseal #wcatl

  • “I recommend peek.usertesting.com from @usertesting to get a stranger to give you helpful feedback on your site.” @cliffseal #wcatl

  • WordPress heatmap and tracking plugins mentioned in #wcatl design panel: wordpress.org/plugins/crazye… wordpress.org/plugins/mousef…