
  • Better reason to go to @wordcampatl – see @windipierre talk Sunday morning on podcasting. See you there! 2019.atlanta.wordcamp.org/session/podcas… #WCATL

  • Someone from the @wordcampatl team gave me a glass of 🍷 and i woke up seeing me on the speaker schedule. Nutty. If you are interested in “developer overload” or bad dad jokes, i’ll see you there. Grab a 🎟️. 2019.atlanta.wordcamp.org #WCATL

  • @sjbrinley @daniel_iser @wordcampmiami @WordCampJax I would love to talk more about this. Demand has been huge. Rebuilding things slightly for #WCATL next month based on #WCMIA lessons. Maybe talk after Atlanta?

  • Developers: what are your best mantras, methods and tactics to deal with “developer overload” (too much info to absorb)? Updating my talk for @wordcampatl next month. 2019.atlanta.wordcamp.org/session/dealin… #WCATL

  • @kdrewien @wordcampatl @windipierre Looking forward to seeing everyone again and attending one of the best WordPress events in the US. #wcatl

  • Just realized @wordcampatl is in a month! Time to polish up my slides. Go see @windipierre talk as well. We’ll have a #WCMIA cheering section there for him. Get your #WCATL tickets: 2019.atlanta.wordcamp.org/wordcamp-atlan…

  • Proud to have one of #WCMIA organizers @windipierre speaking at @wordcampatl in May. Who’s going to #WCATL? 2019.atlanta.wordcamp.org

  • Speaking of speaker applications (ha!) @wordcampatl is also still accepting for May 3-5. Great camp for new speakers in the southeast U.S. #WordPress 2019.atlanta.wordcamp.org #wcatl

  • Armchair WordCampers: Follow @wordcampatl this weekend w/ @Aimee__Copeland @fpcorso @NimbleDesignATL @AliTaylorDesign @richard_tabor @JocelynMozak @pamannmarketing #WCATL

  • If you liked @wordcampmiami and in the Florida/Southeast USA area, then check out @WordCampJax @wordcampatl @WordCampOrlando in April and November. #wcjax #wcatl #wcorl

  • My visit to @wordcampatl was brief. But met. New people. And old. Fun times. Two words. Now stuck. Need Help. Oh God. #wcatl

  • Listened in on @nathaningram freelance/marketing class at #wcatl. Nice approach to teaching plus: a charming guy. Kidnapping him for #wcmia.

  • @JJJ You’re in Atlanta? I thought my Spidey sense was tingling. I was at #wcatl today.

  • Hey @GoDaddy in the house. #WCATL

  • Steps for a #php autoloader from @tommcfarlin at #WCATL

  • .@tommcfarlin is explaining namespaces and autoloading in #php very well. I’m going to rate him 5 stars on Yelp. #WCATL

  • In the first row and making funny faces to @tommcfarlin at #WCATL

  • Thanks to @wordcampatl for closed captioning the talks. #WCATL

  • “You can have everything in life ou want, if you will just help OTHER people get what THEY want. – Zig Ziglar” @troydean #wcatl

  • “Do a free webinar that you’ll be lucky of 20% show up. Paid ones, 50%-60% because they know it’ll be recorded.” @troydean #wcatl

  • “If you think you aren’t making enough money in your business ask yourself if you are helping enough people.” @troydean #wcatl

  • “Just because you CAN doesn’t mean you have to do EVERYTHING yourself.” @troydean #wcatl

  • .@troydean reminiscing about his love for $5 themes. Everyone laughed expect for a few. Guessing they’re professional theme devs. #wcatl

  • “Don’t let perfect get in the way of something (like your website) being done.” @troydean #wcatl

  • “WordPress is a made of functions” is the “Time is a flat circle” of WordPress. #wcatl

  • #wcatl folks: If you’re looking for wifi at @wordcampatl – join the LLC network with password ‘commun1ty’.

  • “The moment i stopped worrying about make money and started helping people was the day i started making money.” @troydean #WCATL

  • Listening to @troydean at @wordcampatl talking about fear and community. #WCATL

  • Armchair WordCampers: @wordcampatl is starting now w/ @aaroncampbell @wpmodder @wierapril @bretwp @chractor @jdswebdesignllc #wcatl

  • .@kdrewien now doing opening remarks at @wordcampatl. #WCATL