Vim Command Cheat Sheet #webtools #webdev #vim
If you are a #developer, use or like #VIM, and enjoy pain then this is for you: "The goal of the game is to navigate to every target as quickly as possible." #webdev
tridactyl ( tridactyl/tridactyl )
A Vim-like interface for Firefox, inspired by Vimperator/Pentadactyl. Created by tridactyl on Feb 24, 2017.
vim-galore ( mhinz/vim-galore )
:mortar_board: All things Vim! Created by mhinz on Jan 04, 2016.
themer ( themerdev/themer )
🎨 themer takes a set of colors and generates themes for your apps (editors, terminals, wallpapers, and more). Created by themerdev on Nov 21, 2016.
octo ( voracious/octo )
A tool to help you build your second brain Created by voracious on Jul 22, 2020.
vim-frontend ( victorvoid/vim-frontend )
:star: Vim Frontend is a Vim configured for Front-end Developers. Created by victorvoid on Jul 21, 2016.
vim-cheat-sheet ( rtorr/vim-cheat-sheet )
A mobile friendly Vim cheat sheet Created by rtorr on Aug 06, 2013.
Command line folks: do you like #Vim? I mean like REALLY like Vim? Enough your spouse is jealous of Vim? This might be for you. Replace #Firefox default control mechanism with one modeled on 'the one true editor, Vim".