RT @NateBaldwinArt: I’m happy to share my latest project: ✨ colorandcontrast.com ✨ This website is a semi-interactive guide for #UI…
Redesigning the Login Screen #UI gosquared.com/blog/login-scr…
+1 “The most universally recognized icon for search isn’t a magnifying glass, it’s a wide rectangular box.” viget.com/inspire/refres… #ui #ux
getskeleton.com might be a good alternative to Bootstrap and version 2.0 was released today: medium.com/@dhg/dear-skel… #css #ui
Getting the ball rolling on the new welcome screen redesign for WordPress 3.5: bit.ly/SS0Wly #UI
Redesigning the Country Selector bit.ly/rAgz2F #html #UI