
  • Interesting call out from Automattic regarding the #Tumblr migration (not the fact people are needed, just an interesting wording). https://automattic.com/work-with-us/tumblr-migration/ #WordPress #PHP

  • "#Tumblr to move its half a billion blogs to #WordPress" https://techcrunch.com/2024/08/28/tumblr-to-move-its-half-a-billion-blogs-to-wordpress/

  • #Tumblr will ‘fix’ its ‘core experience’ to appeal to new users. I agree. I was starting to use it more in Oct when Twitter took a dive. My use faded after a few months and I haven’t come back to it. I think it’s a fun platform, but need some p…

  • #Tumblr says it’s going to ‘fix’ its ‘core experience’ to appeal to new users. I agree with this. I was starting to use it more in October when Twitter took a dive. My use faded after a few months and I haven’t come back to it. I think it’s a fun platform, but need some…

  • #WordPress 6.3 Planning Roundup. Looks like Matt Mullenweg is stepping aside as release lead (i found it unsustainable he could do that plus #Tumblr CEO). https://make.wordpress.org/core/2023/05/18/wordpress-6-3-planning-roundup/

  • My https://davidbisset.social is about as finished as it will be. The side project and experiment has been an overall success. I used #WordPress to pull my #Mastodon, #Twitter, #Tumblr posts automatically and it also stores items from Instagram, LinkedIn with Flickr coming soon enough. #RSS Particularly proud of the timeline on the homepage. https://davidbisset.social/about/

  • Untitled post 51516

    Doesn't look like much but i'm now pulling #Tumblr posts via #RSS into my social media "headquarters" project site. That makes pulling my site pulling in #Twitter, #Mastodon, and Tumblr live. Powered by #WordPress and some custom #PHP scripts. Maybe i'll do LinkedIn or Instagram next? Don't use them much but might be worth expanding…

  • So testing the #WordPress "Share On Mastodon" plugin tonight – shares the title only and couldn't get an attached featured image through. "Title only" makes sense since i'm only "sharing" on M not posting on it. No image (even following plugin instruction) a little disappointing. Still experimenting. Posting from my site to M and 🐦…

  • @shelby Wait for the #Tumblr updates.

  • @danyork Wonder if that was done on purpose or part of #Tumblr PR culture. 🤔

  • @danyork Interesting details there in the last few minutes as you explored. #Tumblr hasn't said much of the details from what I've seen.

  • Nice. #Tumblr today announces “Tumblr Live” live streaming (only in the US va app for now). https://at.tumblr.com/staff/hello-tumblr-tumblr-here-were-launching-live/1o3qqcjkk8hm

  • I'm noticing #Tumblr isn't on this list. Does #Twitter not consider it a "threat" or a social network?

  • When you consider yourself an important “social network” and NOT mentioned in Twitter’s ban.