
  • Canonical pugins are so important “will be blessed” and examples would be #Gutenberg, importers for #WordPress – will get “core security” support. @photomatt #SoTW #StateOfTheWord

  • New taxonomy for #WordPRess plugin and theme directory to “self-identity for what kind of project they are” (“solo single player plugin” vs “commnity plugin – not upsells, free”) @photomatt #SoTW #StateOfTheWord

  • “#WordPress community is fractical – there’s often like subcommunities (like @Yoast or @WooCommerce).” @photomatt #SoTW #StateOfTheWord

  • RT @jeffpaul: Congrats to the new @WordPress core committers! 🎉🎉🎉🎉 #SotW #WordPress #StateOfTheWord

  • “From the bottom of my heart and the top of my lungs, thank you to the #WordPress community." @photomatt #SoTW #StateOfTheWord

  • “From the bottom of my heart and the top of my lungs, thank you to the #WordPress community.” @photomatt #SoTW #StateOfTheWord

  • 1399 release contributors for #WordPress in 2022. 652 first time contributors. 424 contributred from 2021 that came back. 322 took a break in 2021 and came back in 2022. @photomatt #SoTW #StateOfTheWord

  • 1399 release contributors for #WordPress in 2022. 652 first time contributors. 424 contributred from 2021 that came back. 322 took a break in 2021 and came back in 2022. @photomatt #SoTW #StateOfTheWord

  • “We are at the end of phase 2 of Gutenberg (by March 2023). Last bit coming out more or less by #WordPress 6.2." @photomatt #SoTW #StateOfTheWord

  • #Gutenberg Zen Mode in #WordPress. @photomatt #SoTW #StateOfTheWord

  • #Gutenberg Zen Mode in #WordPress. @photomatt #SoTW #StateOfTheWord

  • “Create Block Theme” can one have theme, one pattern but infinite designs. @photomatt #SoTW #StateOfTheWord

  • “We are at the end of phase 2 of Gutenberg (by March 2023). Last bit coming out more or less by #WordPress 6.2.” @photomatt #SoTW #StateOfTheWord

  • Twenty-Twenty Three is a “new kind of default #WordPress theme” – a clean, blank canvas with 10 style variations and fluid typography. @photomatt #SoTW #StateOfTheWord

  • #WordPress style variations: have dozens of variations within the same theme structure. @photomatt #SoTW #StateOfTheWord

  • Block themes: “Kind of a Lego” – you can almost recreate any site that you see that are using blocks too. Create themes JUST with blocks. @photomatt #SoTW #StateOfTheWord

  • Speaking of #WordPress 20th anniversary guess who owns 🙂 #StateOfTheWord

  • #Openverse now over 1 million audio tracks. “This was an unusual acquisition from the Creative Commons organization.” @photomatt #SoTW #StateOfTheWord

  • will be the place to celebrate #WordPress 20th anniversary. Swag for sale, etc. @photomatt #SoTW #StateOfTheWord

  • #WordPress turns 20 next year. 🎉 @photomatt #SoTW #StateOfTheWord

  • #WordPress turns 20 next year. 🎉 @photomatt #SoTW #StateOfTheWord

  • The amount of meetups has doubled since 2021. 1 WoirdCamp in 2021 to 22 WordCamps in 2022. Already 34 planned for 2023. @photomatt #SoTW #StateOfTheWord

  • #WordPress meetups growing throughout the years.. @photomatt #SoTW #StateOfTheWord

  • #WordPress meetups growing throughout the years.. @photomatt #SoTW #StateOfTheWord

  • #Gutenberg is now in @Tumblr – 99% of it is hidden. You can skin Gutenberg to get all the benefits. We hope to create an open block standard for any platform. @photomatt #SoTW #StateOfTheWord

  • #Gutenberg is now in @Tumblr – 99% of it is hidden. You can skin Gutenberg to get all the benefits. We hope to create an open block standard for any platform. @photomatt #SoTW #StateOfTheWord

  • Moible #Gutenberg is now dual-licensed (GPL and MPL) which can be easily embedded in applications. @photomatt #SoTW #StateOfTheWord

  • #Gutenbergis now in the web version of journel app Day One. @photomatt #SoTW #StateOfTheWord

  • #Gutenbergis now in the web version of journel app Day One. @photomatt #SoTW #StateOfTheWord

  • #Gutenberg appearing in #Laravel based applications now. @photomatt #SoTW #StateOfTheWord