If you do WordPress code, i highly recommend attending a “crash course” of Drupal (and other PHP platforms), similar to @Crell #ssp15 talk.
Great look at a simple example of controllers of Drupal 8, using Symfony. #ssp15
HttpKernal pipeline that Drupal uses for its core pipeline. @crell #ssp15
Former PHP (and Drupal) architecture. @crell #ssp15
“The concepts of Drupal 8 is the same, but the architecture ice has been improved and consistent.” @crell #ssp15
WordPress dev in front row for @Crell talk on Drupal. #ssp15
Looks like a nice general dev podcast (Vagrant, PHP, etc.) from #ssp15 speaker @kayladnls: #nocapes
Great source to learn more about Machine learning, although doing this w/ PHP “is a challenge”:… @kayladnls #ssp15
- – machine based Automata. Sign in w/ your twitter account. @kayladnls #ssp15
“Same logic that tells you what to listen on @Spotify was discovered before the automobile.” @kayladnls #ssp15
Respect @kayladnls already. Mommy of 3, conference speaker, podcaster, developer. #ssp15
RT @SunShinePHP: Whoever stole the blue elePHPant from the Zend table this morning, Hope you enjoy it. #ssp15
Tackling machine learning and SkyNet with @kayladnls #ssp15
Branching out from WordPress and attending #ssp15 sessions on machine learning and Drupal today. Nice change of pace/people.
Looking for those at @SunShinePHP who want to chat about WordPress – good or bad. Ping me or spot the guy with the WordPress button. #ssp15
Great advice from @pmjones for anyone dealing with a client on a dev project. #ssp15
Handling a project schedule pressure: extend deadline, reduce scope, or parallelize independent tasks. @pmjones #ssp15
The time from “now” until “completion of project” tends to become constant. – Douglas Hartree @pmjones #ssp15
Projects “always taker longer then you think it will, even when you take Hofstadter’s Law into account.” – Hofstadter Law #ssp15
“People under time pressure don’t think faster.” – Timothy Lister @pmjones #ssp15
“Adding manpower to a late software project makes it later.” – Brook’s Law @pmjones #ssp15
Wish @pmjones talk at #ssp15 was being recorded. Great advice that can be applied to any development project.
Wonder if @pmjones has heard of “Two guys, a girl, and a Pizza Place” #ssp15
“The @SunShinePHP conference speakers are not movie stars, they’re developers just like you.” @adamculp #ssp15
Getting ready to start day two of @SunShinePHP #ssp15
WP folks: @rasmus slides from the #ssp15 keynote that include HHVM, PHP 7 stats & WordPress…
.@benedmunds is pimping his “Secure PHP Apps” ebook ($3)… #ssp15
RESTClient, a debugger for RESTful web services for Firefox:… @benedmunds #ssp15
Developers wanting to build APIS, read “Demystifying REST”… @benedmunds #ssp15
OSX app that allows developers to format/make HTTP request w/ API… @benedmunds #ssp15