
  • The four freedoms of #WordPress #SoTW #StateOfTheWord

  • @JosephaHaden kicking off #SoTW #StateOfTheWord

  • Taking bets if Twitter will think i’m a bot during #StateOfTheWord #SOTW

  • RT @FrancescaMarano: Did pretty well #SotW cc @dimensionmedia

  • It’s 4:04pm. Waiting for @photomatt “State of the Word” to start. #SOTW2021 #SOTW

  • Going to be doing some testing on Twitter Spaces in a few mintues for tomorrow’s State of the Word. #SOTW202 #SOTW

  • Random trivia: The hex code color of @photomatt tie is #4B0082. #WCUS #SOTW

  • “We’re not going to work on authentication of the REST API in 2018. There doesn’t appear to be a great need.” @photomatt #WCUS #SOTW

  • “I don’t know if authentication is the high risk priorities for the REST API. I don’t know if our APIs are good enough to be used outside WordPress.” @photomatt #WCUS #SOTW

  • “I love cookies.” @photomatt #WCUS #SOTW

  • .@mor10 asking a #SOTW question. Take a drink. #WCUS

  • “I would like to see improvements in the admin screens in #WordPress multisite.” @photomatt #WCUS #SOTW

  • “There have been some really cool multisite improvements this year.” “I know, they’re mine.” #WCUS #SOTW

  • Classic editor plugin:… @photomatt #WCUS #SOTW

  • Let’s have 280 #Gutenberg blocks. @photomatt #WCUS #SOTW

  • WordPress introduced WYSIYG 12 years ago. #Gutenberg will be around for the next 12 years. @photomatt #WCUS #SOTW

  • #Gutenberg might be ready by April. @photomatt #SOTW #WCUS

  • Themes can didcate to #Gutenberg additional colors and #Gutenberg can warn if the contrast isn’t right. Nice. @matias_ventura #SOTW #WCUS