- ( boardgameio/ )
State Management and Multiplayer Networking for Turn-Based Games Created by boardgameio on Nov 21, 2017.
Interesting Mizu.js is a lightweight HTML templating library for any-side rendering. A "simple alternative" to fully-fledged web frameworks (such as #VueJS, #React, and Angular), while offering more capabilities than other lightweight options (like Alpine.js and #htmx). #JavaScript
auto-animate ( formkit/auto-animate )
A zero-config, drop-in animation utility that adds smooth transitions to your web app. You can use it with React, Vue, or any other JavaScript application. Created by formkit on May 11, 2022.
srcl is an #opensource monospace component library for #React built with variable fonts.
Why I 🧡 the web. "Gauge Generator" is a web app that generates gauge #charts and export them as PNG or code to be used in dashboard designs, projects, slides, etc. #JavaScript #React #Opensource
This is the “tell us how you really feel” of #React development. #webDev
"I don't have time to learn #React" via "In my humble opinion, doing some (or all) of learning the fundamentals will put you in a much better position than spending that time less effectively. You don't have time to learn React (by all means learn enough to get that bag), so learn something…
cardo ( cardo-podcast/cardo )
Podcast client Created by cardo-podcast on Aug 01, 2024.
someday ( rbbydotdev/someday )
Free and open-source / calendly alternative built on Google-Apps-Script for Gmail users. Built with modern technologies like React, TypeScript, Shadcn/UI, and Vite. Created by rbbydotdev on Nov 01, 2024.
"Someday" is a free and #opensource / #calendly alternative built on Google-App-Script for #Gmail users. Built with #React, #TypeScript, Shadcn/UI, and #Vite.
Erin is a simple and #selfhost service that enables you to view your own #video clips "using #TikTok well-known vertical swipe feed". #JavaScript #opensource #React
Cap ( CapSoftware/Cap )
Effortless, instant screen sharing. Open-source and cross-platform. Created by CapSoftware on Nov 17, 2023.
tsparticles ( tsparticles/tsparticles )
tsParticles – Easily create highly customizable JavaScript particles effects, confetti explosions and fireworks animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available for React.js, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Inferno, Solid, Riot and Web Components. Created by tsparticles on Feb 05, 2020.
React Bricks CMS. "The only headless #CMS with true Visual Editing. Turn your #React components into visual editing blocks." (I bookmark CMS for inspiration and research – it's got a bold claim, i'll give it that).
Accepting almost* everything in #webdev eventually falls but agreeing w/ @chriscoyier here. "Technologies do tend to come and go…. But when tech gets big enough, it tends to not go. #WordPress is huge, and it’s been huge every second of my entire web dev career. To me it echos social media in a way. In…
I’ve seen this meme too many times but this implementation is probably the best. #react #memes #webdev
planka ( plankanban/planka )
The realtime kanban board for workgroups built with React and Redux. Created by plankanban on Aug 30, 2019.
#HTMX vs #React: A Complete Comparison #JavaScript #frontend
"Why you don't need #React" #JavaScript #webdev via John Nguyen't+need+React
Mainly noting these for reading later (and archiving) but some #React hot (or not) takes this month. "Increasingly miffed about the state of React releases" "Kind of annoyed at React" "React What Are You Doing?" "The decline of React"
"A lot of what people use #React for would be better handled with vanilla #JavaScript."
"#React is actively harmful if your website is static" @cferdinandi #webdev #development
schedule-x ( schedule-x/schedule-x )
Material design event calendar and date picker Created by schedule-x on Jul 15, 2023.
ScrollyVideo.js allows responsive scrollable videos "without obscure video encoding requirements". Compatible with #React, #Svelte, Vue, and plain HTML. #JavaScript
"Vanilla #JavaScript doesn't scale " via @chrisferdinandi "…it’s not just reinventing the wheel, and anyone who says that [JS doesn't scale] has no idea what they’re actually talking about." #development #react
The State of the #OpenWeb : 3 Takeaways Heading into 2024 1. The #Fediverse Is a Social Web Renaissance2. #WebComponents Are Challenging #React Orthodoxy3. Web3 and the #Metaverse Are Yesterday’s News
Web Components Eliminate #JavaScript Framework Lock-in via @jakelazaroff #React
nextjs-use-php ( bufferhead-code/nextjs-use-php )
Use PHP code right within your React / Next.js App. With “use php”; Created by bufferhead-code on Oct 29, 2023.
OpenSign ( OpenSignLabs/OpenSign )
The free & Open Source Alternative to DocuSign Created by OpenSignLabs on Oct 02, 2023.
Interesting. "Tremor" is an #opensource #React library to "build dashboards fast". Looks slick and neat.