
  • How to undo a #git push. #webdev #programming

  • Bookmarkable: The Modern #JavaScript Tutorial #programming #webdev

  • Untitled post 58937

    Developer: "Every time I forget to test my code today i'll write myself a Post-It note to remind me." Me: ๐Ÿค” #programming #memes

  • Falsehoods Junior Developers believe about becoming Senior #programming #development #webdev

  • Untitled post 58902

    My kidnappers returning me back after listening to me talk about #RSS for over two hours. #programming #memes

  • Untitled post 58893

    Heat.js is a "lightweight #JavaScript library that generates customizable heat maps, #charts, and statistics to visualize date-based activity and trends." #programming

  • Untitled post 58888

    When you see a comment in the code and afraid to ask it's backstory. #programming #coding #memes

  • Reading: "Falsehoods Junior #Developers believe about becoming Senior" #programming #webdev

  • Union, intersection, difference, and more are coming to #JavaScript Sets #programming

  • Untitled post 58833

    Client: "We hired someone cheap who left us suddenly but project is practically done (we think). Looking for you to finish the infrastructure, push live, and commit to maintaining it." ๐Ÿค” #programming #coding

  • Falsehoods #programmers believe about time zones #webdev #programming via Zain Rizvi

  • Untitled post 58812

    Client: "We added some #accessibility for our site just to say we had something. I'm sure it's good enough." #webdev #programming ๐Ÿค”

  • Untitled post 58810

    Brilliant. Why I ๐Ÿงก the #web. "Worst way to share your code". #coding #programming

  • Untitled post 58808

    When you stumble on bananas code and a code comment that begs additional questions. ๐Ÿค” #webdev #memes #programming

  • Untitled post 58742

    Someone made an alignment chart for a #developer naming variables and I love it. #programming #memes #coding

  • TIOBE Index for January 2024 "Compared to January 2023, #JavaScript climbed to 6th, #PHP to 7th, and C# remains 5th." #programming #coding

  • Manager: "Don't spend time writing #documentation. Users can figure this out on their own." #programming #memes Me: ๐Ÿค”

  • Untitled post 58706

    Friend: "What are your top ten #programming or #webdev books?" Me: ๐Ÿค”

  • When you learn how low the proposed salary is for the #programming or #webdev job you are interviewing for.

  • awesome-cold-showers ( hwayne/awesome-cold-showers )

    For when people get too hyped up about things Created by hwayne on Dec 26, 2017.

  • Untitled post 58606

    My first #webdev #programming book of 2024.

  • Untitled post 58590

    I enjoyed this #programming post: "4 billion if statements" #coding

  • When you close the 78 #browser tabs after you finally fixed your bug. #programming

  • These #developer posts belonged in a single post. "All Code is Technical Debt" "#Code Is Not Technical Debt" #programming

  • I actually do this and I don't feel now it's so weird: "A simple #programming #productivity trick: leave work unfinished to reach flow " #development #coding

  • Untitled post 58209

    "What is a programmer's ultimate fantasy?" ๐Ÿค” #developer #programming

  • Untitled post 58057

    What #programming feels like after reading the docs vs. with ChatGPT.

  • Untitled post 57993

    "What are your top 12 #programming books?" Me: ๐Ÿค”

  • Saw this and i’m still going ๐Ÿค” #programming

  • awesome-podcasts ( pbnj/awesome-podcasts )

    ๐ŸŽ™ A collection of awesome engineering podcasts! ARCHIVED in favor of Created by pbnj on Nov 12, 2016.