
  • RT @brianbreslin: Neat Movember mustache swag from #pressnomics

  • Photos coming in at #pressnomics are awesome.

  • Estimates are wrong about 70% of the time. BTW, that was an estimate. @alexkingorg #pressnomics

  • RT @Confrz: Wow. @alexkingorg is making me so depressed by relating his client horror stories. I need a drink. #pressnomics

  • “How many people have had work delayed on the client end?” Many people raised BOTH hands. @alexkingorg #pressnomics

  • Product features might not be as obvious to your client as they are to you. Look from their perspective. @alexkingorg #pressnomics

  • If your deadline has been hard for more than four hours, see your developer. @alexkingorg #pressnomics

  • Goal should be never to surprise clients. Always keep them in the loop. @alexkingorg #pressnomics

  • Switching ecommerce solutions after 3 months into a project. Only doable with client trust built. @alexkingorg #pressnomics

  • Understanding the baseline of what’s expected of you from the client is critical. @alexkingorg #pressnomics

  • Good to see @alexkingorg at #PressNomics

  • Pictures from #pressnomics are awesome.

  • As a business, admit your wrongs and this increases customer trust. @corymiller303 #pressnomics

  • Prefection is evil. #pressnomics

  • There’s a difference between perfection and excellence. Don’t be afraid to push/publish. @corymiller303 #PressNomics

  • The only thing that matters is you, your loved ones, and your customers. In that order. @corymiller303 #pressnomics

  • In business, don’t be jealous of competitors. Do your own thing. It’s your story. @corymiller303 #pressnomics

  • Doing right will cost you, but people will want to work with you. @corymiller303 #PressNomics

  • Anger comes from unmet expectations. @corymiller303 #pressnomics

  • Trust but verify. You have to train someone, then you trust them. @corymiller303 #PressNomics

  • In business, my biggest fear is regret. @corymiller303 #pressnomics

  • Sharp dressed @corymiller303 is up. “How to build something bigger and better than you.” #pressnomics

  • Sharp dressed @corymiller303 is up. “How to build something bigger and better than you.” #pressnomics

  • RT @codyL: I see @dimensionmedia posted up in his usual spot up front. #pressnomics

  • “Taking credit for your work – nothing wrong w/ that” regarding links in theme footers. @joshuaziering #pressnomics

  • RT @Confrz: #pressnomics – @joshuaziering is human coffee.

  • This speaker should be the poster child for Red Bull. #pressnomics

  • “I don’t even read @wpcandy”. Ouch. #PressNomics

  • Armchair WordCampers today can monitor #pressnomics – visit their homepage or visit live stream/blogging here

  • “When i entered my name into Google and porn shows up not the first page, I wasn’t happy.” #pressnomics