Your brain always looks 12 months ahead, it’s the carrot in your startup stick. @joestump #pressnomics
Great to see @joestump in the flesh. He’s talking about starting your startup. #PressNomics
Apologize to the customer even if it’s not your fault. If you are married, YOU ARLEADY KNOW THIS. @w3edge #pressnomics
Thank customers for using your software, even if it’s free. @w3edge #pressnomics
Since customers don’t read, assume that when you contact them. Remind them of possible solutions when you contact them. @w3edge #pressnomics
People don’t read. Customers read less. @w3edge #pressnomics
Regarding customer support, collect as much information as possible before engaging. @w3edge #pressnomics
If we are creating excellence in our products, we must be decisive. @w3edge #pressnomics
Damn good job so far from @w3edge – he’s not pulling any punches. #pressnomics
Frederick Townes @w3edge talking about open source in business development. #PressNomics
Great quote: think of customer support as a revenue center, not as a cost center. @mikkelsvane #pressnomics
Zendesk bootstrapped for 2 years.Gone from 0 to 300 employees from 2007 to 2012. @mikkelsvane #pressnomics
Mobile devices now take up more wifi traffic than laptops/computers. @mikkelsvane #pressnomics
ZenDesk video was awesome. “Have a better RELATIONSHIP with your customers”. Yeah, baby. @mikkelsvane #pressnomics
.@mikkelsvane says Playboy is Zendesk client. Men in audience now convincing wives they need to do “research”. #pressnomics
Zendesk CEO @mikkelsvane talking about the story of his company. #pressnomics
Awesome. #PressNomics donated $5k+ to St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital.
Day two of #pressnomics is about to begin. Already seeing some great photos on the live wall:
For me, 404. RT @ryancduff: Sensory packets are being sent to my brain, but my brain is responding 503 Service Unavailable. #Pressnomics
So who’s doing what, when, and where for breakfast my fellow #pressnomics hustlers?
Armchair WordCampers – don’t forget that today can follow Day 2 of #pressnomics.
RT @jameshicks: #PressNomics Day 1
Let’s try this again. Panoramic photo of #pressnomics after party.
Panoramic shot of #pressnomics after party.
#pressnomics after party at Gangplank.
Whether you were at #pressnomics or not, you can check out some cool shots of today here:
Why didn’t everyone raise their hand when @gregarious asked “who creates content?”. WE ALL DO IF WE WORK WITH WORDPRESS. #pressnomics
#pressnomics – @gregarious has an awesome cool point on the misuse of the word “awesome” and “cool”.
If developers pair up more with designers, both can improve interfaces for our plugins/themes. @gregarious #pressnomics
“Not my job.” “You got up this morning and fed yourself, but you weren’t a farmer.” @gregarious #pressnomics