
  • 70k-80k new WordPress sites A DAY (from @photomatt) #pressnomics

  • Automattic is a WordPress company, but not THE WordPress company. Automattic wants WP businesses to succeed. @markjaquith #pressnomics

  • Interesting. @markjaquith favors unbundling Askimet from core but not leaving a “spam hole” in the process. #pressnomics

  • .@photomatt twitter is not totally pink. We are breaking new ground here people. @markjaquith #pressnomics

  • Best slide of #PressNomics ? @photomatt @markjaquith #PressNomics

  • According to @micah both @photomatt and @markjaquith have projected positive “stores” despite their long hair. #pressnomics

  • Your business will grow when you project an image that you believe in. Helps you to build awesome things. #pressnomics @micah

  • Currently @micah is killing it at #pressnomics

  • People judge you as a person first, more so then the products you sell. #PressNomics

  • Entrepreneurs are creators – we create put own stories. Good or bad, that’s what people see. #pressnomics

  • People, need some help. If you were to describe me in one word (clean word) what would that be? This is a #pressnomics excerise.

  • “I would like to do that with this guy.” Sorry ladies. @photomatt #pressnomics

  • “The Zynga problem: Do you NOT want to die? Pay me #5.” Bad experience long term. @photomatt #pressnomics

  • “Support isn’t about tickets. It’s about helping, support, ecosystem, and about your code.” @photomatt #pressnomics

  • “If i were to start a commercial plugin business, I would love for things that would never be in core.” @photomatt #pressnomics

  • .@photomatt is calling out the dangers of a “WP App Store”, points to Joomla as “nickel-and-dime” example. #pressnomics

  • “Almost anything that has been done in core has been a plugin first.” @photomatt #pressnomics

  • “I would love to have $1000 WordPress themes”. @photomatt #pressnomics

  • “If you wear many hats, you should wear the hats in the order you put them on.” @photomatt #pressnomics

  • “Best release days are anti-climactic” @photomatt #pressnomics

  • Technology is frustrating for people. It’s a means to an end for most people. @photomatt #pressnomics

  • When you can take a swim in the morning around your own island, you might have made the big time. #pressnomics

  • Interview with @photomatt at #PressNomics

  • “You don’t bootstrap rocket businesses.” @joestump #pressnomics

  • You can be fired from your own company. Steve Jobs found this out. @joestump #pressnomics

  • Raise money when you can, now when you want to. @joestump #pressnomics

  • We tell people to hire professional web developers, so we as developers should hire actual lawyers for our startup. @joestump #pressnomics

  • All founders should be on a four year vesting schedule. 15% for employees option pool. @joestump #pressnomics

  • Investors like redundancy – multiple founders. More than three though – things get cray. @joestump #pressnomics

  • If you have an exit strategy, it’s not an obsession. @joestump #pressnomics